
Age 41, Male

Kentucky, USA

Joined on 2/17/08

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Why is the werewolf dude red! What is going on?! I look forward to your newest flash with great anticipation and dread. It looks like this new installment is going to set a new bar for sprite animations.

The red color?

Well, don't get Jon Talbain angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry...


Chunli and Ryu. I cant waqit to see what their role in part 2 is. The voice actors in part 2 is a great idea. I see the werewolf turns red when he's enraged just like the hulk goes green. That's nice.

"I've shown the WIP to a couple of people and the feedback has been incredible."
Are they your beta testers?

"he is now the proud owner of a Wacom tablet"
Why doesn't he just lend you his tablet?

3 mins of fight scene? I must admit that I have animated 5mins and 30secs. This is only due to the fact that I spent a full 2 weeks animating like crazy and did not get out much. But you are a busy guy so I'm impressed that you have done 3 mins already.

I await VG Exiles part 2. The screen shot looks good. I hope the final product will be better.

"Are they your beta testers?"
Nah, just a couple of people I know.

"Why doesn't he just lend you his tablet?"
He's the artist. I can't draw worth a crap.

"Chunli and Ryu. I cant waqit to see what their role in part 2 is."
Oh, I'm sure that I'll be getting LOTS of feedback regarding their roles!


nice sweet effects:)

I got new hitsparks and everything!

There are a lot more effects in Ep. 2 than there were in Ep.1. This is mostly because my techniques evolved and I am taking full advantage of it.


This is going to be INSANE. I can't wait.

Hey...I wouldn't mind auditioning for a character. Also, I posted a reply to your helpful suggestions in the BBS thread.

The hardest character to cast is going to be Gambit. Whoever does it pretty much has to voice match the Gambit from X-Men Next Dimension (the video game).

That is also, unfortunately, the only "open" role that I have at this moment. Everyone else I have either already cast or have somebody in mind for casting.

At this moment, I got nothing as far as Gambit's voice is concerned.


Awesome look forward to this coming out in the Summer sometime lol

Gambit?!?! Yeah, I'm not going to try touching that one *L* I'm a good voice actor (modestly speaking), but that is a specific, epic style voice. An early congrats to whoever nails it

thx for keeping us updated

omg just look at that screenie ! HOT SHIzzLE FOR NIZZLE

nice work man, it looks great. I was wondering when Ryu would make an appearance. your custom backgrounds are sick too.

I am so excited for this thing!! I'm also a HUGE Gambit fan. BTW, please use the video game voice when he says, "Pick a card," or "Losing's not my style", instead of the actor. Cause I dont think ANYONE could do it as good. *no offense*
LOL, the truth is, I'm actually hoping Jon gets his ass kicked, even though he's the good guy :)

No mate. I used tutorials for all my learning experience. What is a commercial text book anyhow?

THIS is what I meant by "commercial textbook":

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Macromedi a-Flash-Professional-Training-Han ds/dp/0321293886

In my opinion, online tutorials cannot hold a candle to structured learning in book form. This is actually the very same book that I used to learn flash. I've learned a royal crapload of things since then, but I would have never gotten that all-important foundation without this book or one like it.

Again, just my opinion.


You know I see your mixing the charaters up from different games but there is one certain game sprits people don't like to use and I think they can make the sprit movies good. That SNK characters from samurai showdown series,King of Fighters and the last blade. They have characters to make the movies seem to be more of a martial arts movies. Also where did you get these sprits from and what program do you use and where can I get it?

Lol, burby8100 is obviously a sprite n00b and has never heard of the SPRITE DATABASE website.

<a href="http://sdb.drshnaps.com/">http://sdb.drshnaps.com/</a>

Actually, I haven't used sprite sheets since discovering the mugen trick. Pulling hundreds or thousands of pre-cropped sprites out of a mugen character is MUCH more efficient than using a sprite sheet.

It's like comparing a Ferrari to a go-cart.


to me it looks like Ryu is a bad guy?
i have not seen that one before.
maybe "evil Ryu"
even if i'm wrong
it still looks promising
best of luck

Let's just say....

Appearances can be deceiving.


I have to share this with you R1665. I've been checking your page every day since this last post for other people's comments and your replies and last night I dreamed that you made a post that you had 5 sec. left and were just finishing the last of the interface... Needless to say it was a glorious dream knowing that tomorrow you might be done and ready to post this epic battle for all to see!

Don't worry. I'll make that dream a reality soon enough!

Hell, I've been having that dream for the last six months!


Sup R1665. Thanks for the review, I wrote a response.