what I mean is that Ryu was more or less the original fighting game character. He might be simple and routine compared to other more 'interesting' fighters, but without him that's because he was the original and lot of subsequent characters were based off of him. If the Ryu character style never was made, and instead some arbitrary replacement was used, Ryu would no longer be boring. And then if his style was released now, he would be interesting. Although his moves/combos/etc are not especially complex, I don't think boring is a fair term. That's why I say hate his repetitions, but not the original. The repetitions are what make him boring.
Regardless, I like that you are not planning on having a stereotypical Ryu character in your series. Bringing in outside characters and switching up the powers keeps things interesting and novel. Eventually, though, if you brought in a Ryu style character, I think it would be fine, as long as they are few and far between.
Your completely right they should have gone alot further with the zombie version. In armegeddon i was expecting him to have incorperated his hooks and chains in his fighting style. It would have been pretty damn awesome to show him eat shang tsungs brains in the intro of armegeddon and make it one of his fatalities.