
Age 41, Male

Kentucky, USA

Joined on 2/17/08

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dude feeling bored make an advance script in ep.4 hahaha.,

just to kill time or what., ?

anyways any sprite sites can you recommend to me., ?


I've already written the scripts for Ep.4.

I will no longer be springing these scripts on 3X at the last moment. These kinds of delays will becme a thing of the past.


It's nice that you update us every month and don't worry about our patience. Just remember that we are your fans and we're happy that you're continuing the amazing sprite work without asking for anything in return.

On a sidenote, I bought StarCraft 2 due to all the hype lol. I'd like to hear your opinion on StarCraft or even Blizzard haha. Your comments/rants always entertain me, in a good way of course haha.

I liked the original Starcraft, I just wasn't very good at it. The main reason for that is that I never allocate my resources to well. I usually put way too much into base defense and not nearly enough in attacking forces. I could do well in the early stages, but the later ones raped me. This was especially true when I started next to a small/medium mineral field and had to contend with three enemy strongholds with vast resources. As good as my defenses were, they would always grind me down.

Still, not being too good at a game doesn't automatically mean that I don't like it. I greatly enjoyed StarCraft. I highly doubt that I will get StarCraft 2 unless it is released on the Xbox 360. I doubt that my computer could handle the game.


Loved this movie. Came out a good 10 years back I think. Patience is a virue.

So in the next episode will we see any marvel characters?

I cannot reveal that information at this time.


WOO HOO!! MOrrre de...lays -_-


you know what bothers me about getting sprites from mugen?
like 95% of every single character i have looked through
has about the exact same effects.
that may not seem like a big deal, but good god,
it is so frustrating to try and sift through a folder of like 2000+ sprites
to see what you can try to salvage.
by the way, try to beat MK3 Ultimate or Trilogy on Champion mode
and i'll bet you'll start hating that game real fast.

Oh, I suck BIG TIME at MK3 and Trilogy. CPU opponents with pre-programmed responses to my button presses destroy me every time.


Keep patient huh? Not like we really have a choice. I could bug you about it until you got tired of it, but that wouldn't make the project go any faster. I just wish I was as dedicated to my own case as you. I find my motivation lately is severly lacking... and I am trying to correct it though.


every time they surrounds him or make a circle they ending up smash or shot to death., :')

so note to self never make a circle around Christian%uFEFF Bale hahaha.,


How many more pieces of art do you need from 3X?

We went over that today and the final tally stands at about 70-80 images.

It's a crapload.


By the time Ep3 is finished Star Craft 3 will be announced and Duke Nukem Forever would be back from the dead lulz.

It's actually not as bad as it sounds. There were over 30 for Ep2.


Got any plans for other continuums?

Absolutely. MK and SF can't hog ALL the action...


I'm so grateful that you leave updates for your fans dude. Alot of animators leave people hanging including I used to be one :/ I hope one day Ican get back to it LOL but im too busy with life atm :/

I would post updates but
1.) I'z got'z no fans
2.) I think Ima hold off on sprite making until I learn Flash a bit better, on top of that my mom brought up a valid point of getting my first comic book edited/finished, copyrighten, & published/distributed (maybe)......on top of that I have a killer gaming addiction, I mean as of late I've started a new goal to get a gamer computer screen then the new Alienware Area 51 Computer which will ecentually set me back by about $2,200 ( I feel my heart failing now )......but I doubt I'll actually get one knowing how cheep I am
3.) I have finished one sprite movie for my final project of last years computer graphics and design class......but the programs I used ( Photoshop & Windows Movie Maker ) are uploadable to all places except newgrounds. Although I could find a way to convert video formats I haven't the resorces to do so, plus I used my comic book character so I need to get my rights reserved befor I show it to anyone I don't know & or trust.

Its cool that your updating us every month, but sometimes like this month not a damn thing happens that we as viewers (or followers since were stalking your page waiting for the next one.) can tell is progress being made. The last line sums it up pretty well, it's not done yet keep waiting.

I don't know why I felt like saying this its just like, a post of bleh.

"a post of bleh." - Fits right in with my "bleh" news update.

The simple fact is that not much progress is being made on my part. There are small tweaks here and there, but the bulk of the progress is now in 3X's hands. My own hands are tied until I get that artwork. In the meantime, all I can do is patiently wait for 3X while offering him any support he needs. At the same time, I have to make monthly news posts that have at least some semblance of content.

It's just a means of keeping people involved while I'm not actually doing anything. It's just like workplace management...



take your time, dude. you cant rush perfection.

Wassup average guy with ridiculousness?

New TUPT-2 Showcase <a href="http://skater007.newgrounds.com/news/post/244865">http://skater007.newgrounds.com/news/

LOL Timing Failure!


Maybe I could be a beta tester for all the sprite animating in ep3.


joking of course.

Meh, but once you've finished the library for episode 4, can't you start doing the sprite animating for it if you can't work on 3 still? O:

"Meh, but once you've finished the library for episode 4, can't you start doing the sprite animating for it if you can't work on 3 still? O:"

In theory, yes. In reality though, my mind doesn't usually work that way. I have a psychological aversion to working on a new project before the previous one is complete. I am very single-minded in my creative pursuits and working on other projects is very difficult. Not impossible, mind you, just difficult. I can't feel a sense of true commitment to them.

When I officially start a new VGE episode, I devote my ENTIRE creative process to it. I remain in that single-minded mode until the project is complete. Points like this stop me dead in my tracks. I am too mentally committed to Ep.3 to make any real progress on Ep.4. I can (very slowly) churn out a library, but that's about it. If I can't devote myself entirely to Ep.4, my brain won't allow me to continue with it. I have to complete Ep.3 first.

I never said that it made perfect logical sense. Psychology... go figure.


If i have to to wait another second...i'll probably blow my brains out