
Age 41, Male

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Joined on 2/17/08

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OMG! you are a genius! I have to see this!! I love it how its too underrated characters :) kudos for that R1665

...It would be intriguing to see what you'll do with Stryker's combos.... I'm imagining alot of crosses between guns and baton....I also hope the Mag Light shows up.... I love seeing that damn thing crush skulls....

But yea, nice choice. Bison's a fucking beast, and Stryker is the embodiment of the age old being known as the PwnGod. Stryker's always been on my wishlist to see in your fights. I know you'll do him well.... And Bison, the wild card... Let's say I'm looking forward to a few leg presses.

To tell you the truth i thought it was going to be Vega and Kabal.

Really? Stryker?
I always hated this guy.
everytime i got close to Shao Khan in UMK3, i always had to fight this dude.

And i would constantly get RAPED.
and now in MK9, he's way too easy for me.
As much as i hate him though,(yeah, it's a stupid reason.)
i really hope this episode will be a blast to watch.

I dunno R1665...
You have a great thing going on with these, but if it's gonna take balls forever for you to release new episodes, I'm gonna be old, grey, and decrepit. I have nothing against having a life and all that, but damn bro, be a bit more concise in the way of gaps between episodes. I've seen many an artist fall down this road, and I'd hate to see you do it too.

This year-long delay was a one-time deal. It won't be happening again. Also, the story is going to start coming together and jump around less as the series continues.


This is the type of dedication I love, you are putting the story first. I'm assuming you don't get this alot, but I absolutely prefer the story more than anything when it comes to flash or video games.

The fact that you are taking the time to write an original and deep story shows how much respect you have for what you do, and i stand by it. I have been insulted for playing games sequentially, but i do it because i love stories, like, you won't ever see me play Uncharted 2 before 1, i can't do it.

Aside from all that, just know that i am looking forward to the artistic story that you are continuing and of course, the fight that is going to correspond to the madness.

Keep going, and i can't wait for this to appear in the front pages!

Just found out that the the classic skins that are bundled with Freddy is MK3 Sub Zero and "retro" Cyber Sub Zero. I happy that Cyber Sub is finally gonna get a second costume, but I think this is a bit lazy.....



For some reason I figured it was going to be Charlie vs someone. But Stryker is also cool.

Sprites aside, Stryker really was terrible in MK3. The Riot Gun is the main thing that made him competitive in UMK3 (he can be quite good in that game, but he's no Smoke or Reptile... and we shouldn't even discuss Kabal >_>). His sprites always looked good though.

I also agree with Bison being wasted in recent years (and god yes, Seth is awful). But I disagree about Gill. Maybe it's just because I'm partial to SF3 as a game. Or the fact that they actually took the effort to make two sprite sheets for Gill depending on which way he's facing, instead of mirroring it. Maybe it's his creepy-ass VA, but he's just got this real "hand-of-God" quality to him. (Bison had more of a creepy-kick-your-ass-right-before-I-t ake-over-the-world feel to him)

Great artwork. Great concept. Looking forward to the flash.

This will be an interesting matchup. I went back and looked at the other episodes of VG Exiles that I haven't watched in a while. I know you probably pretty much have it set where you want to go with the story but I'm really interested in the Acolytes, who they are and what their goal is. I guess eventually you'll touch on these things. You ever think of doing a prequel or flashback story on when the Exiles were ambushed by the Acolytes? I'd mainly like to see it because you said Terry Bogard was an Exile and he's pretty much my all time favorite fighting game character. I think it'd be cool to watch him duke it out until the last breath.

ditto to that. I would really want to see gambit in action again. Also any chance Gen will make a appearance. (personal favorite)

"what's up, guys. Just wanted to weigh in for a spell.

For those up in arms about Stryker as the pick.....I guess the question I have is..."why?" I knew he was underrated or whatever compared to the more well known characters, but I NEVER knew there were people who held this cat in such contempt. The dude is not even played up in the MK series (until recently) and is nowhere NEAR as overrated as the seemingly endless array of lin keui---or as I like to call them, THE SKITTLES RAINBOW RANGERS.

Anyway, that seems weird as hell to me, but those same people will be in for a treat. Having watched the full fight for the first time way back in April, and having seen it about 200 some odd times since then-----I'll just say there is no reason----NO REASON to doubt that either one of these guys will fall flat in this fight.

Secondly---Regarding the shift in production, as has been stated by R1 and myself, what will keep this in a league of its own is that the story is now at the center of the series and the sprite fights revolve around IT, and not the other way around, as is USUALLY the case in sprite fight flashes. This was something I wanted to bring to the table since day one---the idea that the dialog scenes can hold weight equal to the spriting. And not just because the art is nice to look at---but because of the way it will now progress in each episode. You'll all see what I mean when this bad boy officially drops.

In addition to creating a new badass storytelling method for the art scenes, I took care to flesh out the story for the long term. R1 and I have this set up as an epic saga that will be ongoing for quite some time before it's resolution---with our eyes set at how it will all end as well. This means that the fight picks you see from this point on will be STORY-DRIVEN, not just random match ups for fun.

So for those engaged by the story thus far---TRUST ME--you HONESTLY haven't seen anything yet. It will get deeper, the characters will be further developed and the world(s) will be HEAVILY expanded upon. It might behoove you to read the extra features more closely from this point on.

Bottom line, with each new episode, you will start to realize that ALL the episodes, INCLUDING episode 0, tie together forming one massive plot web of mystery and intrigue.


<=========CONTINUED FROM ABOVE=======

Thirdly---those concerned about R1 losing his "motivation" in future episodes....or worried that he will take endless amounts of time to finish each episode...need to be aware of MY perspective on this. The short, blunt, first answer is, I'm WAY too much of a ball of fire to let him become complacent. Any lack of motivation he might have had inching into his consciousness months before has been fought back by his awareness that this episode changes the game of the rest of the series. I think the motivation killer for MANY storytellers is they essentially reach a point where they do not know where they want to go, which makes everything monotonous. They get tired of the same fights, get frustrated when they can't consider anything new to come up with, and this all leads to boredom. And once you're bored---you're project dies---instantly. I'm a professional illustrator and I've seen it happen MANY TIMES. This is true of spriters, wiriters, illustrators, etc. I think something as simple as R1 sharing the project with me is one GIANT step on his part in ensuring he will see this through the end. I'll happily crack the whip when necessary-HA! But it also shows his character, and that should be noted as well. It takes a lot to create a series, then go up to somebody and say, "let's build the rest of this together." Most people would be too vain to want to share their "single author" status. Not him.

The second part of that answer---and I explained this on my on newgrounds page, but it does bear repeating---is that I know what it's like to be a fan and ANXIOUSLY, damn near, PAINFULLY wait for the release of your favorite series. I get it. I think R1's lucky to have fans like that, and I remember being in that same boat when I did my fancomic "REJEX" a few years ago. It's pretty much how I feel about DIABLO 3, which at this rate, will premiere sometime when I turn 72.

Nevertheless, I can ONLY speak from my point of view. Time is relative, (according to Einstein at any rate), so I have to take into account that for me...it's only been the start of month 4 since we've been working on this. R1 ONLY NEEDED to get the artwork in his possession. Had he had that a year ago, the movie would've premiered a year ago.



As a matter of fact, before I disappeared for two years, he was WELL into the current sprite fight, so I figured it would've been done some time last year. That was not the case, and he ended up in production limbo---unable to proceed because he had no means of getting the tools he required to tell the story the way he had been using since episode 1. That's not on him---it's just a matter of circumstance. Finally, we link up, but I get bitten by the ambition bug.

To clarify, I AM, hands down, the reason you had to wait another 4 months. You wanna bite someone's head off, bite mine. Had I stuck to JUST doing art in the exact same fashion as Lee Drake before me, you guys would have had this episode in hand probably since June. And yet, I honestly have no remorse about it. I appreciate how you guys feel having to wait-but it's only been 4 months in my view. Four months of VERY RIGOROUS scheduling, scene building, music editing and syncing, etc. These episodes are not "Sprite Flashes" anymore. From now on, they are a full production. They will feel like an engaging TV show.

THAT was the model I wanted to set, and yes, it demanded a multitude of work on BOTH our ends. However, the pay off will be thoroughly satisfying for all of you viewers-this I guarantee. And when you SEE the level of work that went into this, I think all of you will no longer quibble over the wait-in fact, you might even be impressed that all this work was successfully produced in 4 months as opposed to another whole year.

So, for those who keep feeling the need to bring it up---the nearly 2 year wait was a matter of circumstance out of R1's control. Shit happened, outta his control. And it wasn't until April of 2011 that he approached me for help---AND, I didn't officially start until May. In my eyes, this has moved at warp speed, mainly because I wanted to release this AS SOON AS WE CAN---but I'm not gonna sacrifice the quality just to get it out for you. In all honesty, would you even WANT that from us?

Thankfully, we don't have to choose. The quality will be maintained, and it IS almost finished. We have an official date in mind and will reveal it in another week. Moreover, episodes will premiere at regular intervals, so no more long delays between episodes.

Please, just stay frosty, people. This will be worth it

While VGE3 will no doubt rock your socks, the MK vs SF is a bit played. But then, this 'is' R-One-One-Six-Five we're talking about and im sure he has an ace in his sleeve that will punch me with a 24' in fist through my 22' inch monitor.




This episode sounds like its gonna change the sprite scene.

Now I really cant wait!

Freddy's story trailer. Poor Stryker. He didn't stand a chance.....

<a href="http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/715196/mortal-kombat-9-welcomes-freddy-krueger-nightmare-on-netherrealm-street/">http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post /715196/mortal-kombat-9-welcomes-fred dy-krueger-nightmare-on-netherrealm-s treet/</a>

Heh. MY Stryker would have knocked Freddy on his ass and killed him nine different ways on the way down.


The fact that they gave Freddy two gloves might result in my NOT buying the character. Freddy has ONE FUCKING GLOVE, NetherRealm! Get it right!

Too bad ass & too epic for words man & damn I hope I can improve my art skills to Ce-Rap's level one day :D

Oh I bet your Stryker would kill Freddy with little effort at all. On the whole Freddy having two gloves I don't really mind. I mean he's going all out against Shao Kahn. I mean his regular one glove isn't gonna cut it against someone like Kahn. A pair of demonicaly enhanced gloves might just do the trick

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