
Age 41, Male

Kentucky, USA

Joined on 2/17/08

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Fuck dude. Talk about a truly ungrateful bastard. The guy should of realized that sprite animations aren't all that popular. Super Mario Bros Z is the exception, but it wasn't like the dude behind that was making any money off of it. Right now, the only way to get paid off of it is to join Screwattack for their Death Battles and One-Minute Melee junk. Basically, It was pretty much doomed from the start.

But that's besides the point. Looking at all that mess and comparing it to my situation makes me glad that I provide and show my appreciation to my best bud for letting me live it up at his home while I finish college. I can't even imagine a freeloader having his head that far up his ass that he truly believe he can do no wrong.

Go to say it though, glad you've finally stood your ground, but that shit took way too long to happen, especially with the obvious signs that this dude is nothing but a cunt. I mean, money is very important to me too, so the I noticed my money was constantly going down because of this asshole, I would of cut him off a hell of a lot sooner. I'm not trying to sound like some fictitious asshole who can see bullshit coming a mile a head. I've been burnt out by someone before as well. Whatever doesn't kill you I suppose.

Glad you're free now and ready to jump back into flash animation. All I really wanted was more badass fight scenes with some awesome background music (grateful for the scar symmetry addition in my music folder). Your sprite fights is still one of the best I've ever seen. Easy to say, really looking forward to whatever you have next.

Even the ScrewAttack stuff can't even be called "part-time". You definitely can't live off of it.

Alvin-Earthworm is back doing SMBZ and started a Patreon for it. He's getting just over $3,000 per episode right now. That seems like a lot, but you have to consider the time it takes to do an episode like that.

...and he's ten times more popular than I'll ever be.

Sooooooooo... probably not gonna be a paying career for me.


Wow man, you have been through hell, I hope you achieve stability again, I always liked your work, and wondered why there was no apperantly updates, knowing your story just gives another perspective, hope you get better, and take your time, you really need to rest from that hell you went through

wow.... just wow... I'd say the classic "give an inch, take a mile" case doesn't begin to cover that whole situation. I'm glad to hear you are recovering from that large amount of drama and am looking forward to your future work. welcome back, Cap'n *salutes*

Holy shit man, was this the first time you mentioned any of this or did I miss something?

Had no clue all that was going on... I did think it was a little strange that you two were moving in together years ago, but hey, I don't know you or anything.

In terms of my previous comments about monetizing your series (via advertisements), I can see now why you were totally opposed to it (though based on the timing of the comments maybe you were knee deep in potentially moving to CA at the time?).
All I was really thinking was a light-hearted attempt at monetizing via ads; you start a website, plop your videos on there, see what comes in. Add new videos as you are able to make them, but not jeopardize your existence in the process. In this way, you don't have to bring much/any risk to your life. Yea, I don't know about the legality of having ads on a website that has your flash animations (that use copyrighted sprites) on them. Maybe it just doesn't work. But I was optimistic because there are people out there that make a living based on ads on their blogs, and most of these blogs are very very stupid. I thought maybe an aspiring talented artist could generate some ad revenue.

I wish you the best of luck on getting back on your feet; I still think you have the raw talent to make great videos; I personally think the story was more important than the artwork. Hopefully you're planning to get yourself stabilized before investing too much in sprites again?

I probably wont ever be in E-town, but my company does have a plant there and if I'm ever there I'll buy you a beer.

This is the first time I've gone public with this. Up until recently, I wasn't even sure that I COULD come back. This last year took a lot of motivation out of me and I kind of had to rediscover my enjoyment of the craft.

I'm still opposed to monetizing. For now.

When last we spoke, I was on the tail end of this Rap business and couldn't even drag myself to the animating board, much less entertain the notion of revenue. My activity was pretty much limited to going to work, feeling depressed, and wondering how the hell I was going to get this guy out.

(On further reflection, that's not entirely true. I had been dragging myself to the animating board to do my part for Sentinel Destruction 2. Still, I did so with much difficulty.)

I see the people with blogs the same way I see successful YouTubers. They have millions of subscribers and can churn out movies every other day. It takes way less time and effort to point a camera at yourself and make stupid faces while playing video games than it does to make animations. You have to have the subs and you have to have the quick-turnaround product. I have neither.


Holy shit. I can't even think of words to type on my keyboard that fucked up is this your story.
But basically, I'm glad that you could get rid of that leech.
Welcome back to freedom, man.

How's your current state? Any updates?

Right now I'm finishing up the Random Select Collab (that thing I started two friggin' years ago and could never finish).

After that, I've got multiple possible projects. I just have to figure out which one I should work on first. I just have to keep my momentum going right now.


Didn't know Alvin was doing the patreon thing; looks like he lost his job and now has the time to devote to the series again. Other way to view it is that he lost his job and now needs some money. (e.g. motivated by desperation vs desire).

A blog with occasional flash series and a fair amount of daily/weekly updates on your progress may fit the bill; it doesn't have to be all flash animation (which is too time intensive). But anyways, if your heart isn't into that then it's not the right way, and either way now is clearly not the time.

Do you have plans to make the VG exiles bigger, more epic, and more fleshed out? Or is it intended to be more fight scene heavy? You will do the art work now?

The VG Exiles will become what I can make of it, and that depends on what skills I can develop with my new series. The new series will be immensely story-driven and feature only a minimum of hand-drawn art, if any at all. If I can make THAT work, I can make anything work.

It might be that the newer incarnation of the VG Exiles won't have hand-drawn art at all. Maybe I'll be in a position to commission some art by then. I dunno. I'll just have to see where this wind blows.


So what has become of CE-Rap? Is he internet active? Did he go back to NYC or is he in Kentucky?

I guess you probably don't intend to pursue criminal or civil charges with him; would not be a productive use of time. At the least, you probably learned a valuable lesson in how to not get taken advantage of people.

Last I heard, he was still in my hometown somewhere. Most likely having found somebody else to mooch off of. I wasn't there when he came back for his bigger stuff, but I was told he arrived with a group of 16-18 year old kids who he described as his "friends".

So... I guess that flea is hopping between multiple dogs now.

I'm not interested in seeing or hearing from him again. So, no, I won't be pursuing additional legal action. I'm just making sure that people in my circle know what he really is should he ever think he can come back to any real kind of internet life. If that zombie rises, I'll be there with a shotgun and a shovel.


Glad to see your back on your feet man. I know we don't talk much, but even so, its not the same without ya.

btw have you ever considered using 3d for the art? if you feel your drawing isn't doing a scene justice then maybe you could pose the character to your liking and render up an image. and you can even use cel shading to keep the anime feel you've had goin on.

of course weather thats more time consuming or less depends on your computers strenght. as well as if you choose to download models or make them.

I have considered it, but it seems much too problematic to be practical. I would have to have the 3D resources to match the 2D ones. I would have to learn how to animate in 3D to the same quality I do 2D. I would have to have the extra time to do the 3D. I would have to be able to build my own 3D models from scratch to make up for what I'm missing and I have zero experience with that.

I just don't see it in the cards.


Wow Unexpected...You and i talked a few years back i wanted be the next artist for the series but you all ready had an artist you told me but i back again and with a new account you may remember me as koblivian. i've gotten way better at flash and i owe it to the tutorial you gave me. and i got better at drawing and animation too.even now with my drawing hand injured i have the same skill. so i was wandering if I can be the next artist for the Exiles series i can even send a porfolio. and sorry about rap hes giving NY artist like my self a bad name. also you can do a patreon too..dont worry about being popular after all you got aznpikachu215 posting any flash that comes his way..hell put the link in the next episode...just remember you dont have to be insecure just remember what you created i sure hell see a pioneer when i see one.⚛

I definitely appreciate the offer. However, I cannot allow myself to become dependent on someone else for my projects. It hasn't proven to be a healthy formula thus far.

What I might do in the future is feature different artists for shorter bits if I can gather enough interest. For my own sake, though, I have to learn how to get it done on my own.


I understand a better r1665 makes a better series in my book. Just remember one of the healthiest formulas to getting more views is faster content so if you ever wanna send me a plot , ill have a comic strip and concept art drawn in a day just let me know. Until then keep creating

R1665, I haven't been the most active newgrounds user, and shit...I haven't even been on the site for the last 10 years. Occasionally I check back in once in awhile because authors like you are honestly the only thing that brings life to this site. I don't mean to sound overly dramatic but your choreographed are among the best I have ever seen and they never fail to get me hyped. Hell I always watch your past animations at least once every couple of months. I honestly wish you would've reached out to your fans earlier because I hearing your story, I wish there was something I could've done to help alleviate your hardship. I remember seeing CE-RAP on your stuff and I didn't think they were anything special since the hook for me was always your fighting sequences. You never needed him in my opinion. You conveyed your story well enough in sprite form that the subpar art he provided wasn't worth the hassle.

I'm incredibly vengeful myself so I can DEFINITELY understand the feeling of shitting on someone for the sake of doing so. Honestly, fuck CE-RAP. I don't mean to cast judgment on him from just hearing one side of the story, but it really sounds like he was a piece of shit.

Try getting a gig at screw attack man or rooster teeth. A man with your talents and vision can definitely go far on their own. I wish you the very best and I hope everything comes together for you. I'm forever looking forward to your next work. No pressure though! You never disappoint! =)

-Your Fan
MastaDrewX ^_^

That...to say it is a situation that I don't envy is an understatement. I have BRIEFLY dealt with something like that (a couple friends wanted to make a table top RPG, brought me on as a writer, and when I had to scream to get my voice heard I bounced and told them to not use my ideas), and it drove me and for just that short time period. I can't imagine dealing with your experience. That said, I am glad you are out of that toxic situation and can get back to your old passions. I don't blame you for keeping your work close to your chest after that amazing display of "teamwork". I have always loved your work, and look forward to seeing what you have in store now that you are free of tyranny, that and the return of Exiles. I know you have featured voice work in the past, so if you ever need a free voice-over monkey, I'm available. Unlikely, but might as well give it a shot.

Your work brings a smile to my face and I am glad it is being purged of that toxic environment.


Rota Abyssian

ugh... Why do you write so long? keep it nice and short.

Well, if I had a way to beam a long story directly into your head, I would.

However, since we have not yet developed that technology, a long post is the best I got.


Not sure if this will help, but i do have a few projects i could use your help with. In return for your completely voluntary assistance, i could help you with your story writing in any way shape or form.
Message back if you so desire.

now i've been around watching your shit before my voice broke(probably around 13-14). So to have someone be such a pain in the ass to you for THAT long must have really been a shitty time. I read through the whole post and i can say, although i was pretty impatient in the long run(waiting for 2 years really can do that to a guy) i still have the utmost respect for you.

Now with CRap literally out of your life, I can see you doing more things. but reading the post says a lot of scrapped work was a thing because of the events. Do you think those scrapped projects could ever be shown to people in like a highlight reel or something or is there no looking back from now on?
Either way i'm with you

If a project featured his work, it's gone. The original Random Select match-up I had (Captain America vs Hulk) and the remade Exiles Zero will never see the light of day. Most of the finished FAILtality stuff can be salvaged, though. I just have to cut "CRap"s bits out like the unfunny tumors they were.

I'm going to move forward. I will NOT, however, forget this whole ordeal.
