I've said it before an I'll say it again, take as much time as you need. As someone who is also creatively inclined (Mostly writing and Let's Plays) AS WELL as someone who also went through an emotional flogging by people I should have been able to trust (who have their own reckoning coming at some point), I can at bare minimum empathize with what you're going through.
Emotional scars are the slowest to heal and it's worse when it taints the things we find joy in. However, if something is truly enjoyed then that love will re-kindle eventually. It just takes time, and can't be rushed since that can just sour the feelings towards it even more.
Doing something you love should never feel like a chore. I look forward to VGE4 patiently whenever it, and you, are ready.
Not quite the attitude I expect from one of the greatest spriter here, but we understand how you feel. So much time and work been put in projects that’s hard to just abandoned and toss to the side.
I can definite relate to lack of motivation, yeah I may have post stuff to the group here and there to help get you guys going, but I too lack the will to open the program and dive right in at times.
At this point R1665, nothing should be stopping you in continuing your projects; and school is a possible time consuming as well as work. You also mention you had time off from it and you been playing Titan fall 2 for sometime when that time could been spent on production.
The problem I think is you have to get out of your own way my friend and give yourself a kick in the ass when needed.
The longer you put off on something the longer it’s going to take to get completed.
I haven’t turned on my Xbox in over two months now and I put that energy in other use. This does not mean I don’t miss my gaming and I do, but I feel other matters are needed to be taking care of in order to move forward.
I’m not writing this to come down on you what so ever and you know this.
Yeah Newgrounds new rules about music use will make things a bit difficult for a lot of artist to upload there work here. But don’t forget, there is always Youtube, don’t abandoned your channel as well. Start off this year with a bang. ;)