
Age 41, Male

Kentucky, USA

Joined on 2/17/08

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Posted by R1665 - June 1st, 2009

It's all over, folks! This fight is DONE! The last blow has been struck!

However, I still have a little ways to go before I'm done. I still have to add some effects to the final segment, animate the closing story segments, make the credits, do some general sound tweaking, synch up my backgrounds, build the preloader, make the menu interface, Insert and organize voice actor clips, and about half a dozen other steps.

That seems like a lengthy list, but the path in front of me is nothing compared to the path behind me. In the interest of padded estimates, I am hoping to release this video by the end of this month. Assuming that I experience no serious setbacks, this should be quite feasible.


I'd like to take a few moments to reflect upon this project.

Honestly, when I started this battle, I wasn't sure if I would be able to do a four-minute fight between Gambit and Talbain. I wasn't sure that I would be able to create enough new moves and new tactics to keep a four-minute fight from becoming repetitive and uninspired. In short, I had a whole lot of performance anxiety resting on my shoulders.

That fear didn't last long.

Over the last six months, I have created what I believe will be the most hardcore sprite fight ever witnessed. It has come together far better than I could have ever imagined. Quite frankly, I'm going to have a difficult time topping myself from here on in. Perhaps that is the fate for all who want to be the best at what they do.

Still, as long as I enjoy what I do and can share it with a few willing viewers, I won't be going anywhere. I just hope you guys enjoy the ride.

Prepare yourselves. VG Exiles Episode 2 is coming soon.



:D The final stretch is in sight! Can't wait to see your creation.

W00T!!!! cant wait!!

will be any more episodes after this one?


Yes, there will be more.


Awesome, looking forward to it. Can't wait.

I appreciated the first episodes and this one will be probably the best, because I see that you improved of 0 to 1. I can't wait for it

so R1665 what time will you release this movie? Plus then in your spare time how many episodes will this be? I got a good idea on how the show may go. Your team the exiles are going to different dimentions returning order or making sure this dimention doesn't effect other ones. Everybody is from a different dimention and each of them selfs in different dimentions are either good or bad. In this case there trying to chase down a evil orginization trying to rule all worlds and in each world there is a crystal that keeps that world or dimentaion together.(same thing like kingdom hearts with the key holes). I hope your going to have more then just threee exiles I wish you had atleast 9 of them and have certain episodes with them going to different dimentions founding something. but anyway it would be great just like marvel if there was a original dimention(like marvel 616 world which everything takes place at) then have other dimentions where it's simlar and different just like out world and eden in mortal kombat. But this is just advise and ideas.

burby8100 out

Congratulations I am guessing that you are approximately 95% complete. I too am eager to see this movie I believe that some scenes might inspire me for when I make 32-Bit Tournament episode 3. So you have finished the main body of your movie. I applaud you. I too am in the same position. I'm at the stage of sound input. However I will need a tutorial from you on how you stream your movies because I am starting to believe that the way I stream sound in my movies is wrong. This is because when I stream sound in my movies the individual sound effects I place on the key frames always go out of sync and I do not know why this happens. Therefore in order to avoid this I place all my sounds in a small movie clip and put that movie clip containing the sound in the main timeline. That way the sound plays and syncs perfectly. But I believe there is a simpler way because I could tell that you used a different method in VG exiles ep 1. Care to share your secret of sound synchronization with me?

PM sent.


OK Dude, I bet this movie will be BEYOND anything Proxicide could evar DREAM of!! You are obviously the best animator in all the worlds!!! I'm hoping Gambit wins this fight, and if he doesn't then I'm hoping he doesn't die. If he does die, then I REALLY hope Talbain is left with some wounds unhealable for the rest of his life!!! Lol Gambit Owns all. Cant wait to see what your friend has drawn for the start of the movie. He is an awesome drawer, and I am glad that you decided to use his skills in your movies, it gives the movie some riginality, and it has also never been added to a sprite movie. I have been waiting for this movie ever since the last episode came out, especially cause you left us hanging like that RIGHT before the "fun begins!" Don't do that to us, man, its TORTURE!!! I only wish I could animate like you, or animate at all!
One more thing, keep the series going! Im hoping you make around 10 episodes, AT LEAST! I hope to see this movie around the start of the next month...

While I am strongly influenced by Proxicide, there are still vast differences in methodology. Starting with Episode 2, the stylistic differences will begin to widen as well. As Trix correctly stated, Proxicide is in a league of his own. In order to be "better" than Proxicide, I would have to emulate him to the point of exactness, then improve upon the formula.

I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to be, nor do I want to be "Proxicide_2.0".

When I started flashing, I wanted to emulate him and follow in his "MK vs. SF" footsteps. That is no longer the case. I'm no longer interested in climbing his tower and planting a flag. I'm interested in building my own tower.

That's why you'll never again see the "MK vs. SF" tag line on my flashes. From now on, it's VG EXILES all the way. It is my hope that comparisons between us soon become as moot as comparing apples to oranges.


Mini Dude says:
"I bet this movie will be BEYOND anything Proxicide could evar DREAM of!!"

Errr, I strongly disagree. Proxicide is in a league of his own, but if R1665 can pull it off up to his standards, then that would be great.

can't wait!all your flashes stay true to the comic book whilst your true skill at animating just makes things more awsome. by the way, i know u've allready talked about proxide, i still think your falshes were better than his, they always were more exciting.
still the wait has been killing me! please finish this thing so i can give it the 5 it will probably deserve-thegorillaz

can't wait for it mate

*thumbs up*

So... Actually, what do you do in your spare time?

The VG EXILES series IS what I do in my spare time!

I could have these episodes out a lot faster if I didn't have to worry about pesky little things like work, sleep, and personal hygiene...


He does exactly what you do skater. Respect the multi-universe! >=O(

Yea, when I said you would be better than Proxicide, that's what I meant, your flash will be more interesting intense, all that stuff. Not the same kind of animation as his. Also, I am glad to hear that you are "building your own tower" Thats the best thing you could do!

I am hoping this series goes for a while, and if it ends quick, I am sure it would be because you have new ideas for a new/different series. Anyways, whatever you make, you can be sure I'll be watching it!!

hope you don't cut things to put it up faster
i have known people that have done it before
however you don't seem like the kind of person
but just in case..............
i wanted to let you know that
even though this is the final stretch
you can still take your time

I won't be cutting anything. The end of the month is only an artificial deadline. I expect to have all of the sprite work done by then. I may still be slowed down by artwork or voice-over complications, but I would sooner push back the release date than cut something.


so what's the percent on the project? Trix already said that his is finished and he is just on the menu.

I don't have an overall percentage because it is very difficult for me to quantify the story segments and menu. I lost a few days of work because I wasn't pleased with the way some of my backgrounds were behaving and I am now in the process of reworking them.

I'm still hoping for the end of the month, though.

Keyword is "HOPING".


32-Bit Tournament-2 is out

Yes I am serious

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /</a>



And don't rush your work man. I am glad we did not release them both on the same day because I doubt I'd beat you. =O(


*slaps self for overused internet language*
