
Age 41, Male

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Delays, delays...

Posted by R1665 - July 7th, 2009

It seems that I'm probably not going to hit my July 11th deadline after all.

However, the problem is due to quality, not a technical mistake. It seems to be taking a bit longer than anticipated for the original artwork to be completed. I can live with that setback, though. I'd rather have the work be a bit late and looking its best than on time and looking rushed.

I'm also having to re-record some of the voice work I did earlier. My previous recordings are not on par with the excellent lines that my voice actors submitted, quality-wise. Over the last weekend, I actually built a padded, fully-functional sound booth in my apartment and I hope to get some lines recorded very soon that sound on par with those of my outside contributors. Voice acting and the process of setting it up is relatively new to me, but I'm a VERY quick study.

Except for the art scene, the movie is pretty much done. Once I get that art in, it should only take me a couple of days to wrap this thing up. I'm afraid that I have to leave that deadine in the air, but you can rest assured that I will get VG Exiles Episode 2 out very soon.

In the meantime, enjoy the following screenshot...


Delays, delays...


i've been waiting for this movie for almost TWO MINUTES! hurry up and finish >.<

take your time.

Outstanding. At least it's done except for that. Those kinds of delays are the decent ones you can deal with.

Don't worry about the voice acting, I find that I do repeats very often until I'm satisfied.

Oh...I have those background pieces, too, including that torch, how funny.

The problem was not line delivery. It was the quality of the recording. I'm currently figuring out the best way to go about it. (Distance from mic, recording levels, etc.) I don't want two interacting characters to sound like they aren't in the same room.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure you don't have the same grassy field. I had to "Frankenstein" that like crazy.


oh well. As long as it is good and worth the wait (and that is a given). So, good luck. Can't wait for it to come out.

Oh, it'll be worth it.

Trust me.


GAMBIT!?!?! Sir, you have my attention.

Would your attention be heightened by the fact that THIS version of Gambit is a criminally insane serial killer?

He's eighteen different kinds of nasty...


a WOLF AND GAMBIT?! sir you have my attention... unless the wolf just got hit... then you can shove it.

It's a fight. They both get hit.

A lot.


I notice something about how the way you have that story.you said in each universe there are different versions of them and I see that from somewhere before.You like that movie with jet li called the one?lol

Never saw it.


lol yea, this movie is A LOT Like the movie called The One.

I loved that movie, got it on DVD.

R1665, cant believe you havent seen it. Maybe you should head over to your closest movie store, this movie could REALLY inspire you!

forgot to ask, which caharcter will YOU be voicing?

I agree with the guys talking about the movie. The One with Jet Li. Seriously, it's pretty much the same thing except one guy goes and starts killing himself in other dimensions and gets stronger. Seriously, watch it. It will give you a ton of new ideas. If it doesn't, I will eat my own arm. So, yeah. CAN'T WAIT!!

I know about the premise, I just haven't watched it. It kind of annoys me when people suggest that I got my ideas from it. That said, I'll probably never watch it.

My series is inspired by the Exiles comic book from Marvel Comics, not "The One".


ok I'm not telling you to watch it to get ideas or anything I just saw some simliar things in the movie and what your doing.

yes that would get very annoying, wouldnt it?

We all know how it feels when some chump thinks you ripped off some other fool's ideas.

It's only annoying when it's not true.

Despite the different ways in which I used them, the basic ice clone stuff from Ep.1 was ripped off of Proxicide. I know this, everyone knows this. That's why it's not so annoying when people suggest that I "borrowed" some of his ideas - cuz' I did.

"The One" comparisons? VEEEERRRY annoying considering that movie didn't have jack to do with the inspiration for the VG Exiles.

I'm only bothered by accusations when they aren't true.


good looking stage, I like nature ^^ I thought VGexiles ep.1 was truly great. The only reason I enjoyed it a little less then proxicide's work is because Im a SF3 player and love those 3 fighters taking on the world of MK. Also youre saying youve done significantly better then the last ep. on this one. Interesting ... a lot of suspense believe it.

Ryu was in that last pic. you posted but he seems to be only a spectator?!! when will we see you make magic with akuma or ryu..also will you use parrying in this ep. or do you perhaps plan to include it in your future eps?


I'm afraid that I can only give vague answers at this point. I don't want to give too much away.

You may see a few examples of parrying here and there, but it will not be a staple of the series. The only reason why it's not on my "cliches' to be avoided" list is because not enough people do them.

I'm afraid that I cannot answer the question regarding what further role alternate versions of Ryu will play in the VG Exiles. However, I believe that Episode 2 will definitely add some clarity to that issue...


man, you have some pretty bad luck with this episode
with all the voice acting, backgrounds, and quality issues
your background looks very original though,
and with the time that it's taking to complete this episode
it leaves me to wonder how awesome it will be
as always,
good luck

All of my arenas since the third in Ep.0 have been 100% custom-built. Each one is unique.


In further installations of VG Exiles, it would be pretty cool to see the fighters fighting in some waste deep water, as it's never been done in flash before...Or so I think ;)

You know, kind of like a jungle arena.................. I dunno. Just a suggestion =)

Interesting idea, but I think the fighters would move a bit too slowly for my style.


Well, Your backgrounds from what I could tell, look awesome. Now, you do you draw the thing yourself, or do you take pieces of other arenas? Just curious, because I take pieces and sometimes frakenstein them together. of course, the forest of Neo Fusion's first MK flash was done by me. Doesn't compare to your work, but I'm not the greatest artist in the world. so, yeah. Can't wait for this one. I'm surprised Marvel hasn't made a movie out of the Exiles yet, they have done just about everything else. Seriously. Anyway, off topic. Take your time. We waited all this time, and we can wait a little longer. So, yeah.

My arenas are Frankensteined from several other arena elements. I also use images from the web (usually as distant backgrounds) and textures from PC games.

Part of the reason why I started this particular series in the first place was to get people interested in the Exiles comic book. I love that series and I'd hate to see it disappear.


well, youve gotten me interested, but I cant seem to find any exiles comics anywhere.... :(

No comic book shops near your area?


I don't know if I ask you this question before but in your future videos will you have SNK charcters in it. It seems like nobody really puts them in there only for a short second or doesn't really do anything in there. I know trix had this for sean and akuma's flash back but you really did'nt see them fighting or doing something really different and i know that you can do somthing better with them. so that's why I'm asking you because your not putting ken and ryu as the heros all the time your useing certain characters that you normaly don't see in the leads.

Actually, I do have some plans for SNK characters. I can't go into detail as to what those plans are exactly, but I do have some stuff in the mental pipeline.


now that looks sharp, i cant wait to see how you make a darkstalkers character fight a top mutant like gambit.

Hopefully, you won't have to wait very long.


Yes, lots of coic stores, its the matter of what their selling.

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