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The story of Episode 3

Posted by R1665 - September 7th, 2009

My side projects are now complete! That means that I can now focus on flash without having other overdue responsibilities pecking at the back of my brain.

That said, production on VG EXILES EP. 3 begins TOMORROW! After three long years of waiting, I am finally going to do my dream fight! I can't stress enough how important this upcoming fight is to me.

( WARNING! Extremely long, personally reflective story ahead! )

When I first saw MK vs SF 2 by Proxicide, I imagined what kind of fight I would make if I had those kinds of skills. The match-up was no question. From the moment I learned that these kinds of videos were possible, I knew who I wanted to see fight. Part of my drive to learn was the thought that if I didn't make this match-up, nobody would.

Way WAY back before I even knew the first thing about flash, I had planned to make this match an unofficial sequel to Proxicide's series. It would have taken place weeks after Ryu returned to his home dimension and been fought between two characters not previously seen in the series. To that end, I got myself a copy of flash and prepared to animate this fight.

I got about twelve frames into it before I realized that I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I put the project on the back-burner to pursue a live-action movie project. I figured that I would someday return to flash and learn how to use it properly. In the meantime, I worked on this live-action movie project while constantly gathering all kinds of resources: sprites, sound effects, etc.

Fast-forward two years.

My first live-action movie had failed. It was a joint development between myself and my best friend. Very long story short, I realized that he was a jackass and ejected him from the production. I haven't spoken to him since and wouldn't care to. I wrote a second script and prepared to shoot it on my own, but the project never really got to the shooting stage. Scheduling complications, the onset of winter, and other such things.

After I made the announcement that this second movie would go on the backburner, I found myself with little to do. I soon decided that it would be a good time to revisit that old flash idea I had. THIS TIME, however, I would do it right.

I got a guide book to Flash 8 from my local bookstore and spent the next two weeks going through it cover-to-cover. As soon as I had finished it, I was ready to rock my first flash. By then, I had thought up my own story that was not connected to Proxicide's story. It was going to be called MK vs. SF: INVASION. It was going to be a six-part series and my original match-up idea was going to be fight #3. That way, I would likely have gained the experience needed to do the job right from the first two fights. I had read in an interview that Proxicide had regretted using his favorite character in his first video. That was a mistake that I would not make.

The problem was that INVASION was going to feature some of the less popular characters, including one of my own design (essentially a palette-swapped cyber ninja). I would have to make high-quality fights to give these characters extra appeal. At that time, I wasn't even sure that I could animate a good fight. To that end, I decided to make a test flash just to see if I had what it takes.

I spent the next eight weeks animating VG EXILES Episode 0.

The reason why I started with zero was because I had not planned on making any more afterward. I finished Episode Zero and submitted it to Newgrounds. Despite what one may think looking at the stats now, Episode Zero actually came out to a lukewarm reception (It initially passed judgment with a 3.22).

I needed practice. I needed to hone my skills further before tackling the juggernaut that was the INVASION project. That was when I decided to do another flash to show people what I had learned and what I could really do.

That flash was VG EXILES Episode 1.

Even though I knew what would happen in the story, I figured that I would return to it in a few years after completing INVASION. However, the more I thought about it, the less desire I had to animate INVASION (for reasons I outlined in my last post). Eventually, I scrapped the INVASION project and devoted myself to the series that was originally meant only to be practice - the VG EXILES.

Gambit and Talbain got their fight.


This upcoming match-up started as an unofficial Proxicide sequel. It then became the planned bout for the third INVASION episode. Now, it will be adapted for the VG EXILES. Three years of planning are about to become reality.

I'm finally ready for it. Let's rock.



Wow man, I just read this, quite an amazing journey. It's sucks how sometimes things can majorly crash and burn, but sometimes, there can be a silver lining that provides massive amounts of joy. I'm glad that things ended up right for you man. I'm eager to find out who the characters are, but I'm patient. Best of luck in starting production man. Give it your all! :)

You'll find out long before release. Voice actor insider access!



I wish you best of luck, you have in your mind this fight is important to you and also towards your fans.

Do your best, we've seen what you can do now we will see what you can do with MORE of you effort into this movie.

I will be waiting, P.S. - Thanks for backing me up for Xinos' comment.

And since you came up with an idea and plot/story to my movie, i will send you an SWF of the battle. To show you how im doing. Send me a message if that's ok with you.

Wow, that sounds like an awesome journey you had lol. Your story really does inspire me to think twice before quitting sprites, if I just put more effort into it...but idk...

Anyway, from previous episodes it does seem like Episode 3 can't do anything but get better lol, and that's all that is expected. I'll be on the lookout =)

After reading all of that and still knowing next to nothing about your new episode, I just know it will be amazing. Keep working on it, man.

That's the way it's meant to be. I want to keep this match-up as secret as possible.


So... you're gonna keep us updated on the fight, yet you're... not gonna show us WHOSE fighting? Good luck

I did just that for Episode 1 and I can do it again.



Sounds great man, you've inspired me to start a sprite series but shizzz this is hard work one thing I'm really having a problem with is the stages I'm good with animation but i have no idea how you get such good stages, but anyway good luck with your work and I can't wait to see your next episode.

I will start spriting at about 15 years, 2 years to go. By then I figure I'll be able to pay for it and figure out how to make sprite movies...

I would've never had this plan if it weren't for R1665 and Trix!

Omg is there an updated news post on my page?

I feel that anything I say will just be more "Awesome, keep up the great work," but you definitely deserve it. Talbain v. Gambit was awesome. Can't wait to see it.

Any chance for voice acting auditions/submissions? lol

I scout almost all of my voice talent from the Voice Acting Club (Rina-Chan's forum).


Hey man great stuff been watching since VG EXILES Episode 1

There has been quite the improvement with each one that has been released

keep up the good work looking forward to seeing future episodes

It's Interesting that you don't use A-list characters so much so I see this as a challenge to guess what you might have in this next fight.All right that settles it,every time you make a post I will try to make a educated guess of who might duel it out.

Kabal V.S. Fei Long

If you find this annoying I won't keep doing it.

I don't mind people guessing. I simply cannot confirm or deny any such attempts.


Man, I wish I could say that I learned alot since I first started flash.

BUT I can't :D

I've been a fan since Zero, and I'll continue to be one. Good luck with your future endovers and all that, and I can't wait for the next episode. :)

Haha, what the hay, I'll guess too!

Jax VS Balrog?

I can't really name many street fighter characters, I've never played them that much. I'm more of a fan of MK, SNK, and Tekken.

Also, I just have to ask, will this episode have anything to do with the previous episode?

Cause if thats the case, I think I know whose gonna fight, but I won't tell anybody!

While Episode 3 will, of course, occur after the events of Episode 2, it will have no central connection to the plot of Ep. 2. It will be a one-shot mission-based story.

Basically, we will be picking up after the Exiles have already begun rebuilding. You will see new members after they have already been recruited and brought up to speed. For most of these new Exiles, the first time you see them will be in action. I don't need to show the recruitment process. That's what backstory is for!


Wow man great story. I'm glad that you focused on your goal until you get it done. Also you gave me hope that I, too, can one day make a great flash as such as your self. Thank you for this story.

P.S I did make a flash, it was horrible. I made it before I knew anything. (So I can learn on my own) I Posted it on youtube because its ugly :(

Wow, very cool. Two characters not previously seen in that series (MKvsSF), huh? Possibly a good character sheet of someone like Sean or Makato... Maybe not, though. Always good for surprises!

Quite a long journey getting from what you originally wanted up to what you got. It's kind of the same thing with my SFvsDBZ animation. I had given up on it twice before because I couldn't really figure out how to do it right. Now, however, I'm ready and I know how to do the story and animations right.

As always, looking forward to your next project.

Sounds awesome. Good luck!
My advice would be to not give away any secret on the episode before it is released. If you give people anything to think about, then you you take away from the surprise factor and overall quality of your episode. Further, giving specifics will raise people's expectations because they have something quasi-tangible to think about and yearn before it is released.

Also, in response to a previous post of yours:

"When I first started flashing, it was my hope to one day become as popular as Proxicide and Alvin-Earthworm. I have since accepted the fact that this will never happen. However, I'm not bothered by that fact.
If Proxicide and Alvin-Earthworm are any indication, epic worldwide popularity isn't all it's cracked up to be.
I'm here to kick ass. I don't need to be a household name to do that.

You could set your goals (eventually) higher than Newgrounds. Proxicide and Alvin don't have world-wide fame. They have fame amongst a narrow subgroup of people that find flash animation entertaining. To the rest of the world, however, flash animations looks childish and retarded (I'm not trying to insult; I still think your animations are awesome).

Only a few people on this site have animations that are consistently followed by crowds of people. That you are able to do this indicates not only your potential for animation, but also your potential as a story teller.
Do you have any future plans beyond flash?

The simple fact is that my particular flash skills have little to no marketable application. There is no "goal" to set higher than Newgrounds in that field.

While it is true that the fame held by Proxicide and Alvin-Earthworm falls within a narrow subset, it is still a level of fame not possessed by the vast, overwhelming majority of animators in ANY field. Of the thousands of people responsible for developing the full spectrum of "mainstream" cartoons, how many can you name?

Walt Disney, Matt Groening, Mike Judge, Seth McFarlane, Trey Parker, and Matt Stone. Out of the thousands, I can only name six off the top of my head.

All things considered, to be famous within a relatively narrow subset might be preferable to obscurity within the mainstream.

[...EDIT: Fixed unintentional name swap. Further proof of my point...]


looking forward to it. Best of luck to you R1665.

It's nice to see you keeping at it R1665. I'm excited to see what your next combobulated bundle of awesome ass-kickin is going to bring us!

I'm off the boat as far as trying to guess who will be in this episode. As stated in my last comment on the last blog: your character choices never failed. I have to assume this next episode will be lengthy though because of the lack of exiles still alive versus using new characters means plot development. This makes me happy. Furthermore, I'm also glad to see the personal stake in this for the choice of characters, probably means you can have a much more fulfilling experience with the fight you've always wanted to make. Just want to give support and say to take your time and enjoy. (you know damn well by the way that this is front page with an award before you even start, must be a good feeling.)

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