As I said in my last post, September was a very productive month for my latest flash. October? Not so much.
I've only added about ten seconds to my overall length. In my defense, those few seconds included the building of the most intricate arena I have ever made. I am also working on some of the most complicated choreographic sequences I have ever done. So there.
Even though October wasn't my best animating month in a while due in part to some gaming distractions (DAMN YOU, GAY TONY AND XBOX LIVE!!!!), November will definitely be a better month for animating. Why? Because it's NaNoWriMo time again!
Those of you who have been following my news posts for a while may remember this event being mentioned before. "NaNoWriMo" is shorthand for "National Novel Writing Month". It is a an event in November in which participants are encouraged to write a 50,000-word novel in one month. I learned about it a few years ago from a writer friend of mine who takes part in the annual exercise. I've never actually taken part in order to write a novel, but I have used it in recent years as kind of an artificial motivator for getting other kinds of work done (namely movie scripts and flashing).
I'm very interested in getting this video done, but some good artificial motivation on top of that doesn't hurt.
If any of you are interested in checking out what it's all about or taking part, you can visit the main site at the official NaNoWriMo site!
Now, on to new details of the flash.
One of the things that I have greatly increased in this flash is BODY COUNT. If you thought I left a lot of corpses lying around in Episode 2, then rest assured that you haven't seen anything yet. Of course, when you're dealing with two of the most ridiculously dangerous characters in the MK and SF lineups, the bodies will pile up.
That's not to say that these characters are homicidal maniacs like Gambit was. Quite the opposite, actually. They are driven by neither rage nor insanity. They are a couple of highly-experienced, professional killers. Definitely NOT the kind of people you want to screw with, as SEVERAL assailants are now realizing. Suffice it to say, they won't be remembered for their intelligence.
Now I gotta figure out how much of the arena I can realistically cover with blood...
(Awwwww... why the hell not? ARENA SHOT!)
Shut up Crebb. R1665, this is amazing. Was the furthest BG (the city and the ocean), was that BG a random image from Google Images?
It was a cityscape that I picked up somewhere from the wilds of the internet. I found it a few years ago while hunting for props that I thought I might eventually use.