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NaNoWriMo again...

Posted by R1665 - November 3rd, 2009

As I said in my last post, September was a very productive month for my latest flash. October? Not so much.

I've only added about ten seconds to my overall length. In my defense, those few seconds included the building of the most intricate arena I have ever made. I am also working on some of the most complicated choreographic sequences I have ever done. So there.

Even though October wasn't my best animating month in a while due in part to some gaming distractions (DAMN YOU, GAY TONY AND XBOX LIVE!!!!), November will definitely be a better month for animating. Why? Because it's NaNoWriMo time again!

Those of you who have been following my news posts for a while may remember this event being mentioned before. "NaNoWriMo" is shorthand for "National Novel Writing Month". It is a an event in November in which participants are encouraged to write a 50,000-word novel in one month. I learned about it a few years ago from a writer friend of mine who takes part in the annual exercise. I've never actually taken part in order to write a novel, but I have used it in recent years as kind of an artificial motivator for getting other kinds of work done (namely movie scripts and flashing).

I'm very interested in getting this video done, but some good artificial motivation on top of that doesn't hurt.

If any of you are interested in checking out what it's all about or taking part, you can visit the main site at the official NaNoWriMo site!


Now, on to new details of the flash.

One of the things that I have greatly increased in this flash is BODY COUNT. If you thought I left a lot of corpses lying around in Episode 2, then rest assured that you haven't seen anything yet. Of course, when you're dealing with two of the most ridiculously dangerous characters in the MK and SF lineups, the bodies will pile up.

That's not to say that these characters are homicidal maniacs like Gambit was. Quite the opposite, actually. They are driven by neither rage nor insanity. They are a couple of highly-experienced, professional killers. Definitely NOT the kind of people you want to screw with, as SEVERAL assailants are now realizing. Suffice it to say, they won't be remembered for their intelligence.

Now I gotta figure out how much of the arena I can realistically cover with blood...


(Awwwww... why the hell not? ARENA SHOT!)

NaNoWriMo again...


Shut up Crebb. R1665, this is amazing. Was the furthest BG (the city and the ocean), was that BG a random image from Google Images?

It was a cityscape that I picked up somewhere from the wilds of the internet. I found it a few years ago while hunting for props that I thought I might eventually use.


...I ask because I have never seen that BG in any MK nor SF game before.

Yeah, I'm all about integrating photo backgrounds with sprite midgrounds and foregrounds. I also use textures from PC games.


wow, that background looks very cool.
you say that you're not that far in,
but five people have already died.
(i say five because one of the windows is shattered.)
that must be a record.
thats a death roughly every ten seconds.

Actually, your kill count is off.

The real total at this time is seven. That does not include four of your assumed kills. As with the last episode, there is a sub-plot unfolding within the world that is being visited. The Special Forces were slaughtered before the fighters got there.

I'm only counting kills that are made by my chosen fighters.


Yes, marathon run!!! Your fans love you and we are especially fond of your marathon runs. That being said: Please take your time. I will dutifully await whatever time limit to see your flashes fully covered top to bottom with no stone left unturned!

Sweet bg! By the way, will this episode have a sequel to it? Like episode 1 and 2 were a sequel to episode 0?

I'd like to see you animate your stories without much dialogue, and without just typing it out. It would be cool to see what really goes on in your head!


I write stories that have main plots on top of sub-plots. I sometimes even have backstory in my mind that has an effect on the current plot line, but is never written out or referenced by the characters. That is mostly because there is entirely too damn much to go over.

Besides, the story of a world doesn't begin when the Exiles show up. It's already in progress. Exiles can't always take the time to be brought up to speed. They have a job to do. That often means dealing with each world's peculiarities without a thorough history lesson.

The fact is that storytelling without much dialogue or type can only work for relatively simple plot lines. The very nature of my series prevents simplicity of plot.


That arena looks bad ass. Must have taken quite some time getting the construction to look right.

Thanks for the help on my animation, by-the-way. It's going to make things better in it. Just gotta work on getting it to like just right.

My areas for battles also have to be constructed both up/down and left/right.

It didn't take as long as you might think.

One advantage to using only custom arenas since the third of Ep. 0 is that I'm getting pretty damn good at making them. That ability became necessary since my custom arenas meet custom requirements. As long as I know what I want going in, the arena-building process is fairly quick.

For example, this arena was designed with several requirements in mind. The first was recognition. Obviously, it is meant to look like the Bank level from MK3. However, it is different from the original, thus emphasizing the "alternate reality" nature of my series. Secondly, it is built to be much bigger than the original bank stage in both height and width. This is important because my choreographic style requires a lot of room. Thirdly... well... that's a secret.

When I build a stage, I get EXACTLY what I want. That is the most important requirement of all.


I remember NaNoWriMo! doesn't seem like that long ago... time goes quickly. And i still haven't uploaded... Shit. That background looks great though. I'm just starting to do custom backgrounds and stuff now. I know I always say it lol, but I will upload something soon.
I hope.

your work is as wonderful as always, you never cease to amaze me.
now i can't wait to see who the contenders are for this.

Im curious... in your vids, how do you get the effects to look so damn good!?
do you use photoshop?

I use photoshop to make custom sprites and arenas, not effects.

One handy tip I can give is not to limit yourself to character-specific effects. I often take effects from several characters spanning several games to get the exact combination of effects I want.

...It also helps to have an animating nature that borders on being obsessive-compulsive...


And this is why I'm a huge fan of your flashes, the stages and fights look so incredible. I can't wait for episode 3!

You have to comment on my flash when I release it November 14th!




Dude teach us how to be pro lol.

I can offer tips here and there, but I am no teacher.


hmmmm.... I am a beginner in animations and looking at your effects, I try to think how did you do it. are the hit sparks ripped from a sprite sheet and edited on photoshop? or are they custom made on photoshop? And the audio effect is cool. I know the quake sound clip you used in episode 2, but is the evil laugh something you got off the internet as well? I have tried to find that one. sorry for being too pushy.

another question, I made custom hitsparks on photoshop, and I was wondering do I save it as a png file? I did that and the animation slowed down every time the hitspark came up. thats all for questions. good luck with your flash development.

I don't use sprite sheets anymore. They are much too inefficient. All of the sprites I use now come from MUGEN characters.

The evil laugh you are referring to is from Doom 3.

The issue with your slow-down can most likely be fixed by adjusting your audio. If your animation is slowing down, that means that you are using either event sounds, or no sounds at all. If you have a music track running the length of your animation, set it to "stream". That will fix your slow-down issue.

Having a stream sound forces the video to keep pace with the audio.


I have been messing around the game MUGEN, but how did you actually get the sprites from the character files? and thank you for the help.

Mortis5000 has a very detailed explanation of the process on his blog:


It assumes that you have the older (and better) version of Fighter Factory. Avoid Fighter Factory Ultimate. It sucks ass.


thanks. well I never used fighter factory but I have herd more than a lot from it.

Thanks again.

ah good old mugen..best source of inspiration ever...nothing quite like putting everything vs everything.

this stage looks a little brutal but im pretty sure its going to be even more brutal when you get done with it and i want to take a guess for the mortal kombat character its gotta be between kabal and kano it looks like they would do something like this

Actually, I am now concerned that I may have overdone the brutality. The ground is now littered with corpses. This is especially true of the area where my MK fighter started their killing spree.

They have become a tripping hazard. Seriously.

Oh, well. I'm not going back to change it. My fighters will just have to cope.


I love the story you're creating, but how complicated will it be? Will we ever be able to stick to one character? I like this version of John Talbain, but with the intricate nature of the plot, you make it seem as though we can never connect with a character because they could die any second or perhaps the story itself could move onto different characters.

Well, whatever happends, I just hope nothin bad happends to Crimson Talbain and Immortal Cage. If this story doesn't have staples like those two, then...well, the story could go on rather well, but I guess it kills fanboyism. XD

One of the more interesting aspects of the Marvel Exiles was that the characters were not subject to "comic book death". "Comic book death" refers to the death, and later return of popular and long-running characters.

Once a character from the Marvel Exiles was killed, they stayed dead. The writers could afford to do that considering the alternate-reality nature of the series. With there being conceptually infinite alternate versions of any single character, the law of supply and demand would negate any need to resurrect a fallen character as they had been known.

My series follows the same directive. Any character can be killed at any time according to my whims and will never be brought back. Sonya is a perfect example. The version of Sonya seen in Episode 1 is permanently dead. That's not to say that another version won't appear (like the corpse in the above screenshot), but it means that "Sonya-Zero" of Earth 7695-890 is lost forever.

If the Marvel Exiles taught me anything, it's that ANY character can become a staple and EVERY character is expendable. That was the nature of the Exiles.


As for the complicated nature of the story, that's just how it rolls in the multiverse. Each world has its own thing going and the Exiles never linger for very long. It is a revolving door of plot.

I will say now that you haven't seen the last of Cage and Talbain. I still have a lot of story to tell between those two.


Cool stuff man. Keep up the good work you beast.

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