I do these monthly updates because I feel that it is important to let people know that I'm still here and still working. I also feel that it is important that I remain an active presence here. Far too many animators make far too few updates and leave far too many fans wondering just what the hell is going on.
The downside to all of that is that I must occasionally report that there have been no significant updates. The sprite work for EP. 3 is complete and I am still waiting on the artwork. 3XStudios has been recently dealing with some unfortunate events, all of which have caused understandable lateness. As I have already stated, it will be done when it is done. Rest assured. It WILL be done.
Since my hours at work have recently returned to normal, I often find myself with little to do in the evenings as I wait. Still, I find a few areas to remain productive. I have started building my library for Ep.4 already, albeit slowly. (I have a psychological aversion to starting a new flash project before the last one is complete.)
I have also recently been toying around with spritesheets (yeah, not MUGEN stuff...) for a possible future project. At this moment, it is still in the "theory" stage with those small spritesheet edits being the only actual work done. I have no idea on exactly when I'm going to be able to work it in, but the idea has been pecking sharply at the back of my brain for the last few weeks. I won't go into too many details on the project, but it will require a sizable leap onto a different branch on the sprite family tree. Unfamiliar territory.
I am also now counting the days until Wizard World Chicago. From August 19-22, I will be wandering around hundreds of booths devoted to all things comic book-related and geeky. I will be focusing this time on the artist section and would like to find artwork of some specific characters that would look nice framed on my wall. I went to the same convention back in 2005 and got a SPECTACULAR print of Gambit made and signed by Mark Wolfe. It now adorns the wall in my living room. I won't post a direct image of it, but I will give you a link to its general location on his site:
Anyway, I do regret that I will not be able to provide you people with the action that you crave just yet. For now, please accept this embedded YouTube video. It is a compilation of the best action scenes of the movie Equilibrium set to some kick-ass music:
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Just keep patient, folks. Ep.3 is coming.
dude feeling bored make an advance script in ep.4 hahaha.,
just to kill time or what., ?
anyways any sprite sites can you recommend to me., ?
I've already written the scripts for Ep.4.
I will no longer be springing these scripts on 3X at the last moment. These kinds of delays will becme a thing of the past.