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ARTWORK GET! (Somewhat)

Posted by R1665 - December 1st, 2010

As the title of this news post suggests, I have received some of the artwork from 3X. It's not nearly all of it, but it's a good start. He has been busting his ass to get this stuff processed for me and I am animating the stuff I am able to accordingly. While it is probably unrealistic at this point, I am going to cross my fingers and hope to have a finished product by New Years. Might not happen, but I'm gonna try.


I'd also like to bring up something that has been bugging me. Since I released the VGE3 Easter Egg, it has gotten over 1,900 views and currently carries a 4.31 score. I was honestly not expecting this.

The views are normal for a non-frontpaged flash, but 4.31? Seriously? This is grossly overrated.

I figure that it's probably a couple of people going to it every day and voting five, but I still find myself perplexed by the general response. You could say that it was kind of an experiment. I made that specifically to illicit a negative response from Akuma fanboys. In the month or so since I released that flash, not one single fanboy has shown up in defense of Akuma. Not one zero-bomb review. Not one butthurt private message. Not one single person bothered enough to voice protest against my clear hatred of Akuma. Not one. In fact, several people openly supported killing that poorly-designed prick.

Now, to a scientifically-minded guy like me, this is a very strange and unexpected result. 1,900 is a remarkably good test sample. Why is it that out of these 1,900 people, not one of them felt the need to defend this highly popular character?

I feel that the strongest explanation at this time is that Akuma's popularity doesn't even closely approach the hype. Is it possible that I've been fooled into believing that Akuma is popular based on his overexposure in the related media? Is it possible that the Akuma supporters I have met before were only operating under the same pretense and bandwagoning with a crowd that existed only in their assumptions?

I find all of this terribly interesting and I'd certainly like to hear what you guys have to say about it.


R1665: “Awkward.Well,
Also, here's something interesting I was led to the other day:

/* */



is this the back ground music in the fight sequence???

looking forward for the flash this new year or next year., !



Nah, this isn't the background music. Not heavy enough for me. It might be a good choice for someone else, though.


While he's not my main char in SSF4 I find him badass evil guy and I like when people mod his 2D model in MUGEN.(ABEL user here)

You strike me as the kind of person who hates one thing just because its liked by everyone else, or loves one thing because everyone else hates or overlooks it

It may seem that way, but it's actually quite far from the truth. The popularity of any particular thing generally does not determine whether or not I like it. However, it could be said that popular things draw my attention more and it is the resulting critical analysis that leads to me disliking the popular. That's probably true to a degree.

My issue with popularity is that it is sometimes undeserved, as is the case with shotoclones as a whole. I have no problem with popularity so long as that popularity stems from actual quality rather than appealing to the lowest common denominator.


Grr. Gouki would pwn the entire universe. You don't know. Grrr. 0 stars, 0 vote. F-bomb, "u", exclemation points, and a side of ones.

I think you're underestimating yourself. The short was hilarious as hell if you ask me, lol. Now stop trolling for butthurt fanboys. I think they all missed it simply because it wasn't frontpaged. :p

Well Im hoping that the artwork is better than the drawn stuff in the last exiles, but other than that its good to hear that you'd like to give us all a late Christmas present lol

oh btw, I just watched a shitload of Dragonball Z...I wanna see Goku make it into an exile episode haha

I'm afraid that Goku won't be making any appearances in the VG EXILES. I do admit that the thought of finding the most spectacularly anticlimactic way to kill some of these anime demigods does appeal to me...


Remember when you said that "I figure that it's probably a couple of people going to it every day and voting five"? Yes, I am one of those. The weird thing is that it had only like 300 votes, then if I vote it everyday, it could go up in 0.01 score per day. But after this update, it got over 4000. And it's just starting.

I mean, 200 and 300.

The post didn't get a 5; you did. Your the only person out there, doing this sorta thing and updating your fans. I still have proxide, and trix on my favorites list and i'm not sure if either of them are even ALIVE. I know at the first of the month to come here and see whats up so yeah, you got a five from me.

As for Akuma, I really didn't feel like starting that arguement, though when I showed it (without watching it first) to my friends, I had to do the raging demon to keep them away from the damm keyboard. Akuma fans are out there, just again not bothering to argue over that unless you stop being such a good submitted.

To be perfectly honest, my general opinion of Proxicide has soured considerably since I started making flash videos. It has nothing to do with his actual work and everything to do with what I have seen and read of him. I honestly believe that he and I would be at each others throats within five minutes if we were to ever meet.

However, that's a rant for another day.


Because I could give a damn about akuma. Son-ov-a bitch is annoying as all hell in regards to how his character is built, characters like him piss me off partly because he's slightly obnoxious about how powerful he is, and then the game goes right along with it and says "You really shouldn't fuck with this guy!" and then you go and destroy him with Rufus or some shit. Damn him.

I just want you to finish Exiles Episode 3 sir :*(

Nothing would please me more. Unfortunately, I am not completely in charge of that. I will make further updates as the art continues to roll in.


oh!? yeah!? I forgot to ask you why is shao khan ing hell does it explain how he died in VGE3???


or shao khan is one of your overrated characters you want to kill???



Shao Khan being dead is consistent with the backstory of the dimension that my characters will be fighting in in Ep.3.

On Earth 7695-5077, Earthrealm won the first Mortal Kombat tournament held a thousand years ago. Nine hundred years and nine more victories later, Earthrealm claimed ultimate victory over Outworld. Rather than annex Outworld, it was decided that the best course of action would be to permanently remove it as a threat. Outworld was then largely reduced to a radioactive wasteland by nuclear strikes via Earthrealm-controlled portals opened in every major Outworld city.

So, yeah. Shao Khan is quite dead on 7695-5077.


I left a comment on the video i am a die hard street fighter fan an akuma fan but the shit was funny which is y i rated accordingly lol

Okay. There's a reason no one bashed it. It. Was. Funny. Akuma's overrated anyway. Stryker is God tier. One of my friends taught me that lesson the hard way... -.-;

But seriously, you do good work. Keep it up. You're one of my favorite flash artists on here, and you rekindle my love for spritework. Also, one last question-

If you hate the shotoclones, does that mean you hate Dan? Because I'd like to see what you'd do with Team Hibiki.

I actually like Dan as a character. He's a hell of a lot more interesting than Ryu or Akuma. As interesting as his character may be, though, he ultimately boils down to "crappy Ryu" in the same way that Akuma boils down to "evil Ryu".

If I had to rank the shotoclones, Dan would come in second under Ken.


Dan?....something is not right with you...I think you like shitty characters lol

I don't look at any of these characters from a gaming standpoint. I look at them from a writing and animation standpoint. I couldn't care less how "powerful" or "skilled" a character is supposed to be.

When evaluating characters for the VG EXILES, I much prefer those characters that are more original and unique. It also helps if they can be altered a bit and still retain their uniqueness.

For example, what would an alternate-reality Ryu look like? If I make him less serious and more personable then he might as well be Ken. If I make him evil and powerful then he might as well be Akuma (or Evil Ryu, which made Akuma redundant anyway). If I make him a sucky fighter than he might as well be Dan. Conversely, I can take any of those other shotoclones and give them Ryu's qualities. I can functionally interchange every single one of them. Not a single one brings anything to the table which cannot be provided by any other.

I find Dan interesting for a shotoclone, but he is still a shotoclone nonetheless.


Ah, yes, Dan... The one I hate.

ken has the loud personality he is basically like the johnny cage of street fighter but without the acting but the best street fighter character is cody even though he didn't originate from there his backstory is awesome

What about violent ken? All he says is ahhhh aow huuua evil ryu does not say anything and akuma says some poetic stuff.violent ken is more of a out of control character unlike akuma and evil ryu being all calm. the choice Of manuvering violent ken gives you that oppurtunity to be more expressive in some what of matter...

Honestly, my scrutiny and subsequent hatred of shotoclones occurred well after I made Episode zero. At the time, I was planning a six-part series which would have required three full-length shotoclone fights. I did not fully abandon this series until I finished Episode 1. Episodes 0 and 1, at the time I made them, were meant to be practice for this six-part series. I was going to put the VG EXILES on the back burner, do the six-part series, and maybe return to finish out the whole Gambit/Talbain thing several years down the road if the six-part series didn't fully burn me out.

Obviously, I didn't take that path. My rejection of most of the shotoclones is a relatively new thing.

I originally put Violent Ken in EP.0 for several reasons, none of which was because I wanted to explore the character. I had his MUGEN character for ripping sprites. He was SNK style and "looked" like he could be in Mortal Kombat. He was also Proxicide's favorite character and I saw it as a nod (or jab) to him. I hadn't fully fleshed out the Exiles concept yet, and Violent Ken seemed the best candidate for a mindless berzerker who would be believable coming from Hell. I had SNK sprites for Ryu and Akuma, too, and it could have easily been one of them.

Looking back, Violent Ken was the best choice I could have made at the time. Neither Ryu nor Akuma have that blind, uncontrollable, savage bloodlust even at their worst. Even now, I don't want characters like Akuma or Evil Ryu who are considered evil because they MIGHT kill someone. I much prefer a form of evil that would be EAGER to kill and find it wholly enjoyable. Psychopaths are much more fun to write for. Just look at Gambit.


I watch the vge1 and 2 I notice that you updated the extras in vge1 and put some updates to it.,

thanks for that

so any updates on vge3???



I didn't update any of the extras in the Ep.1 menu. I just added a button so that they could be accessed from the main menu without having to hit the "secret" backspace key.

From now on, every extras menu will be easily accessible in this fashion. I only hid it that one time to keep from spoiling Gambit's involvement at the end of the video.


You probably got a 4.31 because it DIDN'T get frontpaged, and no sprite-haters watched it.

Yea, he pretty much IS "Crappy Ryu". >_>; But Dan isn't about fighting, it's all about tauting. That, and his priority is hella crazy.

I have another question. What are your thoughts on the palette ninjas? Or the palette cyber ninjas? I mean, sure, their sprites are very, very, very shared, but a few of them actually have some interesting abilities and storylines: Smoke and Rain being my favorites.

I have less animosity toward the ninjas. In the early days, they all shared many of the same sprites out of necessity. There were simply too many memory limitations to allow each character to be individualized. Once Midway got the room to do so, they altered each of the formerly-cloned ninjas to give them individuality. Capcom cannot claim this. Even after 20 years of development and exponential increases in memory limitations, Capcom's shitty headswap shotoclones are still shitty headswap shotoclones.

As far as flash popularity is concerned, ninjas are at the top of the list. However, they still aren't featured enough to make me sick of them just yet. There was a period about a year or two ago in which every other flash on the portal was a Ryu vs. Ken battle.

If ninjas had THAT kind of overexposure, I'd be railing on them just as hard.


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