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Happy New Year!

Posted by R1665 - January 1st, 2011


HOLY JUMPIN' HELL! I just randomly went to the Mortal Kombat collection for the first time in over a month and it's been UPDATED! Street Fighter Collection, too! Sweeeet, I'm in!

BIG THANKS to whoever did it!


2010 was a piss-poor year for my sprite animating. Almost half of it was eaten up by production delays and I would have been skunked entirely for the year had I not made that Easter Egg short. Obviously, I have much higher expectations for 2011.

For my first news post of the year, I bring both good and bad news. The bad news is that no real progress was made on my part on Episode 3 in the month of December. I'm still waiting on the artwork. Luckily, the holiday work crunch that had 3X seeing regular twelve-hour shifts is over and I can get back to pestering him for art very soon. That's the bad news.

The good news is I have taken on a new project and my animation itch is being scratched. After getting such overwhelmingly positive feedback with the Easter Egg, I started to look for other ways to get back into animating without having to commit to the lengthiness of Episode 4. That way presented itself about a week before Christmas.

You know what we haven't had in a while? ... a good select-your-character Mortal Kombat spoof!

Okay, I know what you're thinking, but bear with me. Although there are indeed numerous such flashes in the Mortal Kombat Collection already, all of them are grossly outdated both in humor and animation quality. That isn't really a dig on the artists as NG had a 5mb upload limit at the time, but it is nonetheless true.

Now, what would happen if a skilled sprite animator were to make such a video with some good ideas in this day and age? Well, something like this, maybe:

MK FAILtality part 1

That's right, people! I'm bringing the funny back to sprite parodies!

Unlike the VG Exiles, this project requires no artwork or voice talent. It's just me, flash, and whatever crazy ideas are bouncing around in my skull! This particular short went from an idea to being a fully produced section in TWO DAYS. I have since animated another two sections and I have solid ideas for several more. At the rate I'm going, it would be entirely possible to have a full-length completed flash by the end of January. Since I have no desire to flood the portal with individual sections of this project, I will instead wait until I have the finished product ready to go before I mass-release it. I'll keep this preview in my file dump for you loyal page-stalkers, but I would appreciate it if you would try to keep this fairly low-key for now.

I want everyone to understand that the VG Exiles series is still my number one priority. I had fallen into a cold spell due to the artwork delays, but this side project is warming me up big time. If nothing else, it will allow me to hit the ground running when I start doing the choreography for Episode 4.


2011 will be the year of the funny AND the fury! I've already given you the former, so now enjoy the latter!

/* */
(Although I'm not really big on anime, I'd be lying if I said that this wasn't a perfect fit given the song...)

Scum of the Earth!



im pretty sure every one thought you were going to post it today LOL! dont worry about it though. shiiit I was suppose to post today but I have a shit load of bugs to work on mine.. ANYWAY
that little preview was funny I hope to see more of that in 2011 :]
happy new year by the way!

Man I haven't seen a good mk spoof in years. How did you get Michael Jackson's pet monkey Mr.Bubbles in the flash?

The monkey actually is Reptile's Animality in UMK3 and MK Trilogy.


strange i just started to watch this anime yesterday.

Nice Mk Spoof made me remember the good old days of when i first started watching these animations back in 05 ahhhhhhh good times gooood times :)

Am I curious what the goal of your animation? Is it to entertain others? Is it to entertain yourself (artistic expression)? A mix?

If it is either of those, it seems like finding a way to make these without depending on 3X is the way to go. Maybe you can find an alternate series to work on? That way you could keep focused on your passion and not have to divert it towards... side distractions. For the fans, I don't think the select-your-character-spoof will be as successful as your current series. Your current series gets people addicted and they feed upon the building story line. I just don't see a select-a-character really fulfilling that same entertainment-void within many a person. I guess if you can make it really funny, then it will be a legitimate distraction... but I am dubious of the humor-potential of this particular category.
If you are mostly motivated towards entertaining yourself, then, well I guess if this is what floats your boat, then go for it. But my instinct is that you feel suppressed, and are very frustrated that you are not getting to move forward with your series... which you have told us you have planned out far in advance. Why not take the picture drawing into your own hands... or hands of another? Do you really only want to be in charge of the fight animation? I agree that the artwork in the 'story' portion of the episode was quite good and contributed positively, now much time has passed. Surely 3X will understand. If there are 2 years in between each episode, there is no way you will be able to entertain a fan-base, and I doubt keep yourself entertained in that particular way.

Anyways, I mean no insult by this, I am just hoping to provide helpful insights. I must admit that as time passes, my interest in following the series is beginning to fade. It is similar to with Alvin Earthworm's series. There is so much time in between each episode, that the fans begin to 'grow up' before it becomes complete. There will be new (younger) fans that 'mature' and watch the series anew, but then they encounter the major disparities between early and later episodes. Frequently, earlier episodes are of lesser technical quality as the skill of the animator and his tools improve with time. This makes new fans reluctant to start from the beginning.

What do you think?

"Am I curious what the goal of your animation? Is it to entertain others? Is it to entertain yourself (artistic expression)? A mix?"

The goal of any flash animation I make is to entertain people, even if the audience is limited only to myself. Practically speaking, this project is also useful as a warm-up before I start work on Episode 4. It's also breaking my OCD-ish need to not work on a new project before finishing the last one.


"If it is either of those, it seems like finding a way to make these without depending on 3X is the way to go. Maybe you can find an alternate series to work on? That way you could keep focused on your passion and not have to divert it towards... side distractions."

I've pondered taking over the artwork responsibilities myself, although I am not nearly as skilled an artist as 3X. It has less to do with delays and more to do with my growing guilt over asking him to devote so much work to it. He's a busy family man. I'm not.

I also don't want to cut him out. He's not just some random internet contributor. He's part of my "inner circle" in real life. The number of people on THAT list can be counted on one hand.

Even if I do take up the artwork responsibility, it would have to be for Episode 4 and onward. Ep.3 is pretty much locked in as his and I will not spit on the work that he has already done by redoing it myself.

Also, I will NOT work on another series. VG Exiles is my one and only flash passion. The beauty of these comedic shorts is the quick production time. I can get it done quickly, have something worth showing, and then be warmed up for the lengthy task of full fight choreography. In fact, I'll be starting the choreographic work on Episode 4 as soon as I finish this short side-project.


"For the fans, I don't think the select-your-character-spoof will be as successful as your current series. Your current series gets people addicted and they feed upon the building story line. I just don't see a select-a-character really fulfilling that same entertainment-void within many a person. I guess if you can make it really funny, then it will be a legitimate distraction... but I am dubious of the humor-potential of this particular category. "

Very astute. I'm certainly not expecting any frontpages, awards, and whatnot for this. However, success is a weird thing to try and predict. It could be argued that a short comedic work will have more mass appeal than a longer series requiring devoted audience attention, for example. I'm not saying that such a spoof will be more successful than the VG Exiles, I'm just showing how it could.

As for the humor potential, I'm not really as professional, serious, humorless, and cold as I present myself here. In truth, that's really just a marketing thing. I'm an action animator, so I cannot really present myself here as the guy who entertains his co-workers with Lewis Black-style witty rants and makes fun of movies MST3K style on the weekends with friends.


"I must admit that as time passes, my interest in following the series is beginning to fade. It is similar to with Alvin Earthworm's series. There is so much time in between each episode, that the fans begin to 'grow up' before it becomes complete. There will be new (younger) fans that 'mature' and watch the series anew, but then they encounter the major disparities between early and later episodes. Frequently, earlier episodes are of lesser technical quality as the skill of the animator and his tools improve with time. This makes new fans reluctant to start from the beginning."

That's what I'm afraid of and am now working to avoid.


ugh, i mean "I am curious..."

so what characters will you be spoofing?

I'm going to do as many as I can. If watched in a certain order, they will actually have something resembling a story, too!


Do you REEEEALLY need the art work? Tricesplice makes some very valid points and I am part of the crown that is wondering why the delay so long in between episodes. You clearly explain it, but that's no excuse. In the future, I do hope you get a handle on this because as a fan of yours the wait time is rediculous. I hate spoofs. That is not going to "woo" me at all. Make with the serious shit. You can put together some short, random fight and just show off your skills. It will tune you up, keep you warm, and keep your fans interested in you while building their confidence in your abilities as well. I'm not half the animator you are but as a fan, I REALLY hope you get a grip on this.


"Do you REEEEALLY need the art work?"

Yup. I can't tell the story I want using only sprites. Besides, the technique I've developed makes an artwork story section smaller than it's equivalent in sprites regarding file size.

"That is not going to "woo" me at all. Make with the serious shit. ... I REALLY hope you get a grip on this."

This is a one-time deal. After this, I'm going to be animating Ep4 while still pursuing the art for Ep3. I have also started doing my own concept art for Ep4. Whether or not I use it in the series has not been decided. Either way, delays like this last one will NOT happen again.


who did the art for episode 1?

3XStudios. Same guy.


Well, I do really appreciate your updates. And it's impressive to know that you have thought through these issues. For what it's worth, I will continue to check one your page on at least a monthly basis to see the updates. Your storyline has me intrigued, and I want to see where it goes. The problem is, with time I begin to forget details and the intrigue diminishes. I can alleviate this by going back and re-watching the old ones to refresh on the plot.

A problem with Earthworm's series is that re-watching all the episodes would take quite a long time.

Along that lines, I would wager you are familiar with the Dragon Ball Z story line?
Do you have any opinions on that series? Like it? hate it?
I followed it on broadcast when it would play at ~6am on Saturday mornings. I was totally hooked on it then, and I watched the Vegeta saga up through the beginning of the Frieza saga. At this point, the series went off air, and was later taken over by Funimation and played on the cartoon network. I never watched the rest of the series as a kid, because I never had cable TV. Now that the internet is around, I've watch the completion of the Frieza saga.
My overall opinion is that the series was excellent up through where it switched to Funimation. At this point, the voice actors and quality of sound recording went to shit. Seemingly simultaneously, the quality of the plot line went to shit as well (starting with the goofy-ass ginyu force, and then with the repetitive boring, slow fights, absurd power-levels, etc...).

Anyways, DBZ certainly inspired Earthworm's series, and in a positive way. He seems to have taken lessons from the early part of the series, and not so much the later. As such, I am curious if you were similarly influenced. I guess you are obviously more influenced by Marvel comics.

"Along that lines, I would wager you are familiar with the Dragon Ball Z story line?
Do you have any opinions on that series? Like it? hate it?"

I watched a little DBZ back in the day, but I was by no means a fan. It was just something to see on TV while I was getting ready for school (YEARS ago...).

For it's time, DBZ was revolutionary. However, it had numerous quirks that I recognized as ridiculous even as a kid. For example, I found it tiring that one battle could last three seasons with all of the characters going through multiple transformations. The choreography, while innovative at first, got old very quickly. There are only so many times that you can watch Goku throw the same kamehameha without yawning.

Obviously, I was not influenced by DBZ.

I'm influenced by Marvel Comics with regards to the writing, but my choreography comes from numerous sources, not the least of which is professional wrestling. It's more than the occasional wrestling moves that I like to throw in, it's the entire presentation.


R1665 what programs do you reccomend for sprite animation? I already have sprites thats for sure...

Flash for animation, Photoshop for sprite editing, and Audacity for sound editing. That's really all you need on the production end.


-Uploads your preview on youtube-


Nah, just joking, I got enough popularity on Youtube.

Hmmm, the short was alright BUT it's been done.... I dunno, R1665, your getting yourself into something that could end bad. There are just SO MANY of these "MK Mishaps" movies on NG... It's going to be hard for you to maintain an original concept for EVERY character.

Basically, it looks like it could be pretty funny and all, but the fighting is where its at for you, my friend. Whatever, if its just a quick sideproject for you when you are bored of your usual series, have fun with this.

I'm not going to do every character, just the ones I can think up something original for. Also, this is a one-time deal. I'll be going back to the action as soon as this is finished.

Despite being a comedic flash, this spoof of mine is becoming a lot bloodier than anything else I've done, which is awfully damn interesting...


you know,your the only talented animator who shows any real dedication to there fans.shit goes to hell and you still have the courtesy to keep us up to date n not leave us wondering.and now even when u cant get the main course ur still serving up snacks...im not some white boy so its weird saying this but...ur awesome man you really are

"Im not some white boy, so it's weird saying this but... ur awesome man you really are" ......................kkkkkkkkkkk

So, that was among ONE OF the stupidest, weirdest, and most awkward comment that I'VE personally seen on the Internet. And that is definitely saying something!

Also, I happen to be a "white boy" and I never knew that in order to be a certified "black boy" you have to put every ounce of willpower into a compliment. I have quite a few black friends and they don't seem to struggle as much with this as you do. Not that colour of skin matters at all to me, because we're all human beings and like it or not, we have to deal with each others differences.

All of that being said, I do realize that you WERE giving a compliment in your own way and basically all I can say is, try a little bit harder next time.

And one more thing, nobody's hot shit because they hesitate to make nice comment about something on the Internet. You just look like a dick.

That felt good. I haven't gone on a small rant on the Internet in a Long time.... and I hope that you don't take this the wrong way. Just try to give lees half-ass comments and more grateful, appreciative ones instead. It makes the web a better place and Im afraid that there is too many self-loathing pricks out there on the menacing Internet and we should all be as friendly as possible because as I said before, we're all just human beings.

Each and every one of us has the desire to be loved and the capability to love.

On a completely unrelated note, I have a couple questions I'd like to ask Mr. R1665 regarding Call of Duty Black Ops.

1) How far have you made it on the zombies mode??
I've made it to round 23 on Kino der Toten, but I KNOW I can do better because I had a bad team and I was kinda halfassing it. And I got to round 19 on "Five" but I don't really like that map too much. The only reason I play it is in hope of playing as JFK... "Castro's surrounded! Everybody- point and laugh!"

2) What are your two perfect zombies weapons?
In Kino and "Five" I hope to get upgraded HK21 & Thundergun. But as for the Thunder Gun, I usually settle for the MP5k due to bad box luck and need for ammo.
I also have the Hardened Edition with the classic World at War maps where I still use upgraded Thompson & Wanderwaffe combo, or Thompson & HK21.

3) Top three LEAST fave zombies guns?
Raygun MPL crobow

Calm down, you.

I'm fairly sure that the "white" part he was referring to was in using the word "awesome". It is indeed an expression predominantly used by white boys... Let's not get too overly-analytical here.

"On a completely unrelated note, I have a couple questions I'd like to ask Mr. R1665 regarding Call of Duty Black Ops."

1) How far have you made it on the zombies mode??

I've never played zombies nor do I have any inclination to do so. When it comes to the zombie genre, I love everything but the games. Movies, comics, art, books and almost everything else zombie is good times. Games not so much. Dead Rising is the closest thing I've ever found to a tolerable "new" zombie title and I despise that game. Resident Evil was the last series to do zombies somewhat correctly and they seem to have even lost THAT with RE4.

My hatred for Resident Evil 4 is greater than that of any other game I have ever played. EVER. It has permanently soured the series for me, but that's a rant for another day.

That said, I'll have to take your next two questions in regards to a REAL zombie outbreak rather than a Black Ops one.

2) What are your two perfect zombies weapons?

1 - Medium to large-sized iron crowbar, easily procured in any hardware store.
2 - Smith & Wesson model 686. I already own one. It can fire both .357 and .38 caliber rounds and can be fitted with a scope. Every ammunition retailer in America stocks .38.

3) Top three LEAST fave zombies guns?

1 - Desert Eagle .50 (scarce ammo)
2 - Anything .22 caliber (would be less useful against zombies than Max Brooks suggests)
3 - Shotguns in general (lots of noise, lots of mess, little return)


"grossly outdated both in humor and animation quality" - I do agree. A new version with new humour and ideas would really suffice.

i might consider other milestones insane nor great.
you overlook useless receptionists.
the hate riding on nothing everyday.

I really don't understand why some people hate RE4 no sir RE5 is horrible and really soured the series it was directed by idiot that made lost planet.I hate sounding like a fanboy this one of my favorite games. I know my opinion doesn't mean a lot and I don't want to argue with you about it and piss myself off because I suck at debating but i must know what this game did to upset you I find your strong opinions and point of on things interesting to chew on so what was it that ruined your fun Is because there technically not zombies,was it to actiony for you and less horrifying,or is it cause they change the camera angle, or was it quicktime events please explain I really like to know thoughts.

Made just for this explanation:



RE4 was terrible, and if RE4 was terrible, then RE5 is a mockery of the zombie genre completely. Also, you'll notice R1665 said the series died on him with RE4, hence never playing the despicable RE5. I consider him lucky that he didn't have to watch as the best zombie franchise I ever knew went to hell, and continued to watch as it spiraled deeper and deeper into it. Yes, Resident Evil 5 truly was a disgrace.

Reasons being,

A) Theres a character select between a guy and a GIRL. At least add in another guy like Leon or something.... Never mind. Never, ever bring back that faggot Leon. Just look at his hair, his hideous face!!

B) It wasn't about ZOMBIES anymore. It was monsters and all different kinds of them (none of which were creative) This is also why RE4 was so bad.

C) The game is too damn hard. I beat it in a week, sure, but not after failure after failure after failure because my weapon compartment was too small for ammo. You decide: pistol or .40 magnum?! Trouble was, revolver ammo was much too scarce.

D) Sheva was not hot OR badass OR amazing at killing zombies. Bring back Jill, or Alice from the movies.

Let's face it, the only good things about this game were Wesker and the departure of Leon. Hopefully he never returns.

Anyway, those are my opinions.

My beef with RE4 was in the aim controls. They sucked copious amounts of balls. Anything else I could take.

A) Leon never bothered me as a character. He was just a guy on the screen. I couldn't care less what his hair and face looked like.

B) To be fair, the RE series wasn't pure zombies, anyway. Other monstrous bioweapons have been present since the beginning.

C) I couldn't get past the shitty aiming controls, so ammo management was not a concern for me. Never got that far.

D) Never saw Sheva except for a couple of promo images, so no comment.


"Calm down, you.

I'm fairly sure that the "white" part he was referring to was in using the word "awesome". It is indeed an expression predominantly used by white boys... Let's not get too overly-analytical here."

Damn it, look what happens when I don't get enough sleep? Christmas break fucked up my internal clock. During holidays I ate junk food, stayed up all night and gamed then slept in til 6:30 pm. Daily routine.

Then one day, my alarm goes off at 8:30 in the morning and it's like "SHIIIIIIIIIT......"

Basically, I still haven't fully recovered and Ive been having a hard time falling asleep at night. I apologize for any incoherent rants that stir up from within me.

...Can't wait to retire, and Im not even halfway through highschool. That's pretty depressing...

Sorry for douple post, by the way

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