Well, now... HERE'S a problem I've never had before... CE-RAP and I have so much in the pipeline that I don't know which part I should focus on for these updates. Seriously.
Now, I know that a few people have probably tuned out. They may be thinking, "well, R1 finally got VGE3 out, so I guess I won't need to check back in for another year..."
They're gonna be missing out.
VG Exiles 3.5 will be the next release, and it will solidify the direction this series is taking from an artistic and storytelling standpoint. It will be more than a simple transition between VGE3 and VGE4. I know it may not be too terribly evident YET, but the events you have witnessed in the series so far are just the tip of the iceberg. This thing goes so deep that we will not be able to cover it in the main episodes. Not even close. Hell, we probably won't be able to cover it all in the "point fives" either.
...but we WILL cover it. I can't say how just yet, but Rap and I are going to expand into mediums further than our humble Newgrounds pages. We will create a centralized source for all things related to the series, specifically those things we cannot do here on NG. More info on that later...
Anyway, while Rap has been diligently storyboarding, planning, and organizing the monster that will become VGE3.5, I have been slowly but surely building the fight scene of VGE4. I'd say that I am about a third of the way through this showdown and you guys WILL NOT BELIEVE what vicious fun I have in store for you!
I'll be the first to admit that my sprite fighting skills made no massive leap between the choreography of VGE2 and VGE3. The major evolutionary leap of VGE3 came from the art, not the fight. It would seem now that the challenge is upon me to up the ante and take my fights to a whole new level to match the quality of the art and story. VGE4 will do just that. It will be the first visible step of MY OWN skill advancement.
What will that advancement look like? You'll just have to wait and see...
---I'm in a hostile environment. I'm totally unprepared. And I'm surrounded by a bunch of guys who probably want to kick my ass...
...it's like being back in High School!