Just a quick few words since I haven't put up a new post in nearly four months.
The Random Select Collab is still being worked on and we are on schedule for a December-January release. More stuff is in the pipeline and we'll let you know where you can go to check it out.
On a completely unrelated note, I must officially recant any earlier statements I have ever made regarding the suckiness of Steam. Now that I have a good PC capable of playing PC games, Steam has become awesome. Now I'm not only ripping flash resources from games, but I'm actually capable of playing them, too! ...plus the games are cheap. Not bad.
My Xbox has been sitting disconnected for months and the last time I booted up the PS3 was for GTAV. That said, I don't think I'll be going for any of the next-gen consoles, at least not for a long while. It's been a LONG time since I've seen a console exclusive worth buying an entire system for.
So... if you happen to be on Steam and want to add me in the unlikely event that I'm playing the same game as you at the same time as you, my STEAM ID is, of course, "R1665". Maybe we can blow shit up together sometime.
...anyway, in case we don't put up a new news post before then, have a happy Thanksgiving (to those who celebrate it) as well as a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Very nice R1665. That's good your system is up to date for Steam games. And I don't blame you for waiting to get a new console. I know your in favor of Ps4 and you may already know they had some issues with the fan. So far 10 thousand units are defective and the numbers may grow when X-mas comes around. People have reported that PS4 problems right out the box, for the system to over heat and the HD port in the back has a medal peace that bends and breaks the teeth of the plug. Such a shame! XD lol don't mind me friend, I'm just teasing you from our last console war talk. But it still not all gravy for Xbox as well, so far I've heard there has been hardware problems for the Xbox, but not as many problems PS4 has. Well anyways, I'm hoping the collab is coming together for you and I will keep an eye out for a preview. You have yourself a safe Thanksgiving, Xmas and New year. And if your still playing Xbox man, PM your tag name and we can rock Battle filed 3 or 4 online sometime if your up for it. Peace.
1st gen consoles always have hardware problems. That's why it's smart to wait awhile even if you intend to buy one.
I've never played the Battlefield games, actually. I used to rock CoD with my team, but Black Ops 2 was so terrible that it essentially killed the entire franchise for me. Not only was the game unbelievably bad, but everybody on my team (who were also complaining about how bad it was) simply refused to put it down and go back to MW3. When I asked them why they would trudge along having such a horrible time at this new game, the best answers I got were "because it's new" and "because we paid for it".
You know, when I bite into a sandwich and that sandwich is disgusting, I don't keep eating in order to justify the purchase. I throw it away and cut my losses.