Well... it's May. The Random Select Collab is now five months or so overdue. I don't think there's much of a point in keeping things quiet and unsaid. We're way past that.
The fact is that the RSC, as well as all of our other projects, are at the point in which heavy involvement by CE-Rap is required. For pretty much all of them, We've been at a full stop for the last several months. We had enough of a window to collab on my section of the RSC, but that was about it. The problem is that CE-Rap never really recovered from Hurricane Sandy. Things continue to be shitty for him. The result is that our house now looks abandoned - faded paint, piled-up newspapers, waist-high grass, the whole nine yards. Quite honestly, I'm surprised that people even check this page anymore.
But... there is now some real hope for the future. No bullshit.
Sometime in June/July, CE-Rap will finally be getting out of New York. He's moving out. No more hurricanes. No more headaches associated with living day-by-day. He'll be touching down someplace more condusive to our continued joint venture - MY PLACE.
Yep. You read that right. We're gonna be roomies.
And THAT is when we will make up for all of the lost time over these last couple of years. We've got long-term plans, but the short-term is pretty much US PUTTING IN WORK. We've already got several projects just needing that... little... push. ...and then the dam will break and there will come a FLOOD of new content. Those of you who have graciously shown so much patience will see this old house turn into party central real damn quick.
First on the list will be the Random Select Collab. After all this much wait, that's gotta be priority one. After that, we got multiple tracks we can follow covering multiple genres and formats. Exiles may be gone, but I think everybody will appreciate the glut of quality material that will be taking its place.
In the meantime, I've decided that no matter what happens, I'm NOT going to be skunked for 2014. To that end, I've decided to go ahead and fast-track a new "skirmish" sprite mini-series. Whatever it ends up being, it will center around the action. Shorter, condensed, rapid-fire. They may not be the full-length fights of the Exiles and they likely won't have the complex storylines and art production, but they won't take eight months to produce, either.
The drought is nearly over. Hang in there, folks - storms a-comin'...
That's some crazy dedication right there.
I feel like the sprite scene around here has been in a drought.