I should have written this entry months ago.
I don't know why I've been putting this off. The fact is that I have had a really hard time animating as of late. For various reasons, a lot of the joy I used to take in the process has been largely sucked out. I'm not dead yet, but I'm far from healthy. At this point, I feel that talking about it a bit might help me get back on my feet.
CE-Rap and I have gone our separate ways creatively and now I'm back to working on my own. The events that led to me walking away are largely responsible for my current state of demotivation. Long story short, my joyful hobby became a tortuous "professional" effort. I surrendered my control and became little more than a tool, trying to meet other peoples standards, schedules, and expectations. I realize now that such "professional" attitudes are a kiss of death for the hobbyist. The more disciplined results might have looked better, but what good is having a better product if you have to sell your soul to get it? Once the joy is gone, nothing else matters. You might as well just be putting in more hours at your shitty day job.
Anyway, I'm done with partnerships for a while. For the forseeable future, everything I do I will have to be able to do on my own.
Exiles is still dead. Even if it hadn't already been reworked into oblivion, I still cannot produce it anymore. I don't have the artistic talent necessary to continue from where VGE3 left off. It's just too much of a production.
That does not mean that everything that had been planned for the Exiles must necessarily be scrapped. The whole thing about the Exiles was that I could produce fights between whatever characters I wanted and I could have a multiverse angle to stitch it all together storywise. Now that the whole Exiles premise it toast, I'm simply going to take some of those badass matchups I had planned and do them as one-shot stories. Sooooo... single-serve badass fights that would have existed anyway with the Exiles, only in a more streamlined form.
Now that my involvement in the Sentinel Destruction Collab 2 is over, I will prioritize the Random Select Collab. (The original entry I had for that was a joint effort with Rap and now unusable.) I must animate a new scene for that. That won't take long if I can find a groove with it. ...hopefully.
After that's caught up, the immediate future will be about getting some closure on other unfinished business. As of this moment, I have multiple unfinished projects. Those that CE-Rap and I worked heavily on together shall forever remain in the vault. However, I still have three fights of my own that have significant progress made and require only to be finished.
After that, the one-shots. Possibly intermixed with a new series I have in mind to replace the VG Exiles. More on that later.
Anyway, that's the situation for better or worse. I would appreciate any motivation or encouragement you guys could send my way. I have a long trek ahead of me and my shoes are already worn out.
Man get on your feet and start creating! I'm sure you got hundreds of ideas you wanna execute by yourself, so get to it and remember whether it's good or bad, inspiration is inspiration and everything around you is inspiring which is enough to last you a lifetime. Good luck!