
Age 41, Male

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Posted by R1665 - November 30th, 2015

After two embarrassingly long years, the RANDOM SELECT COLLAB is finally done!

Check it out!

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I am grateful to everyone who took part.  They exhibited extreme patience with my ...delays... over the last two years and I cannot thank them enough -  MysticSkillz, Ills10, HeartlessKarma, and weyden.

You guys are awesome!

...and it feels good to finally be back.


(Oh, and, of course, fuck CE-Rap.)


Awesome work!

Oh,that would be possible to get a link/name of the game where the character show in the video are?Some of them don't even show in Google.

Except for Shiki (who is miscredited), every character is listed in the credits.

Which character do you want to know about? Which part?


Something I was noticing about Alvin-earthworms series, is that he is constantly turning things up a notch. Whether that's increasing the sprite animation quality, adding 3D animation, adding hand drawn parts, or re-doing old scenes, he does this on a regular basis. It contributes to the number of jaw-dropping moments, which ultimately are a significant component of what makes this stuff fun to watch (the other component is a good story, which he does reasonably well at as well). It's almost necessary... otherwise sprites have to rely on nostalgia alone, which is tougher and tougher as time passes and graphics qualities evolve. He's constantly taking things to the next level, and in doing so he is basically defining the next well because he's often taking things farther than they've gone before. So, there are lots of moments when viewers are thinking "I didn't know that was possible with a sprite animation".

I'm not implying you don't do this (far from it actually), rather just curious if you had thought about this aspect and had similar plans? Your series definitely had some jawdropping moments.

Also, for what it's worth, I don't really think all of CERap's fancy drawings were necessary. I prefered your episode 2 over episode 3. In 2, the drawings are good enough to add character to the movie, but don't try to dominate it. In episode 3, the animations seemed to dominate a bit, and you can tell the story is taken in a direction that is more 'CErap' than R1665. The sexualization of Jill was a little weird... I guess some people are into that, but it seemed to me that maybe that was Rap going overboard, since he and a lot of other graphic artists in the interwebs like to draw stuff like that.

"just curious if you had thought about this aspect and had similar plans?"


VGE3 was my last major action release and the development I've gone through as an animator might not be obvious given the time I've been out. I've gained several levels since then, with the single biggest leap forward being the discovery of Swivel.

Right now I'm working on VGE4. It has things never before done in sprite animation going back four years when I started it. Once I finish it, you'll actually be able to watch those four years' worth of development unfold in four minutes.

So, yeah. Lots of taking it to the next level.

- - - - -

The actual written story for VGE3 was mine. It had existed before CE-Rap came along and was cemented in place because most of the voice actors had long ago submitted their lines. The presentation of the art scenes, however, was entirely his.

Take that how you will.


Not sure how to start this off but I am glad you’re back and filled with energy again, sorry you had to go through all that mess. I’m glad that your returning to the exile series (take your time) but I was wondering if it was going to be a sequel, ‘’reboot’’, or a new start? I would love to see a follow up to VGE 3, because you made Kurtis Stryker a badass and would love to see more of him, and of course Heart. And I have to ask what characters do you have in mind for the exiles series? Stay Gold. --DG

It's going to be a "transition" of sorts. Not a full-fledged-30-minute story and not a new start. More like the end of a chapter before a new one begins down the road. We'll revisit them periodically as we transition to a whole new time period - one not corrupted by my unpleasant former partnership.

...and not all of the characters will make it across the divide.

As for the characters I plan to use, you're just gonna have to wait and see...


i haven't been here in a while so I read your previous posts and all I can say is "Wow. What an asshole." I wanna like be like one of those annoying news reporters, run up to him, shove a mic to his face and say

"Is it true you started a company in someone's home? Did you know you were not making any money yet let your capital dwindle to nothing? How did you feel leeching of someone else's life? Do you constantly blame others for your failings? etc etc."

And then he punches me while I catch it all on camera. Then upload the video on the net with the title: CEO of small company lacks professionalism (or something like that)

Well it's Christmas so take a loooooooooong break to cool off from everything. Just do anything that makes you happy.
I was surprised that smoothuser commented on one of your old post without any malice. Did he get over his temper tantrum?
The stuff that CE-Rap and you made. I get what you mean. Anything that he touched feeling tainted is how I feel about Khrome. I hate Khrome because of that one guy. That racist non-gamer who barely even knows Mortal Kombat. He was just in it for the fashion. He keeps coming back under a different name with still more dumb ideas (native americans also being pirate werewolves being one of them). If Khrome became a character, I know that racist will jump for joy.

Nice to know VG Exiles is back. I can wait for it so take as long as you want.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

"I was surprised that smoothuser commented on one of your old post without any malice. Did he get over his temper tantrum?"

The stuff with smoothuser is two years old and water under the bridge. Besides, I only have enough anger in me for one person at a time.
