Well, Pico Day has come and gone. As I write this, there are likely still people at the office partying it up. I, however, have just finished the 11-hour drive back to Kentucky. I'm ready to take a double-shot of NyQuil, pass out, and enjoy the final few days of the vacation week I had set aside for this
This was my first Pico Day and it was quite a bit more than I had expected. I'm normally not too great with large social gatherings so it was a bit overwhelming. I had never met any of these people in person before and really only knew a handful of them by reputation. All of which was far greater than my own. I might be able to animate the shit out of some sprites, but right then I was surrounded by some real top talent. Lots of animators, musicians, voice actors, and other people of great ability talking about a myriad of different subjects about which I had little to nothing to say. So, a lot of my time at the beginning was just wandering around looking at things and trying not to look like too much of a dope.
I definitely got the sense that I DESPERATELY need to learn how to draw something. It's kind of hard to be asked what you do and not be able to show an immediate example. "Sprite animator" is not exactly the kind of answer I want to give in that situation. Especially when I haven't done anything to warrant recognition over the last few years.
Still, despite my awkwardness, everyone there was SUPER COOL. I chatted up @TomFulp a few times and I must give him props for being a spectacular host. I know crazy events like Pico Day have to be a major strain and he handles it like a fucking champ.
Anyway, it took me a little while to find a groove. But that groove did come.
I met and chatted with a whole lot of awesome people and I won't get into all the details here. Not trying to write a book. I will say that I definitely look forward to doing this again. Next time, though, I'll be much better prepared...
Oh, and also...
The fighters are finally revealed and I promise that this will be like nothing you've ever seen before.
Time for me to get to work!
(...after a good night's sleep, of course. I'm fuuuuuuuuuucking exhausted...)
At first I thought this would be a pinball game but this is nothing like a pinball game you just draw around and somethings this is not a pinball game and it could had bin better.