
Age 41, Male

Kentucky, USA

Joined on 2/17/08

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I hope that's not Terry Bogard....

The analogue of Terry Bogard from Earth 5580-81 was one of the four Exiles that were slain during the Acolyte ambush that preceeded the events of Episode 1.

Although Remy Boudreaux was not directly responsible for killing Terry, Boudreaux still considers Terry one of his "victims" hence his appearance in this vision.

You may take some comfort in the fact that the version of Terry Bogard from Earth 5580-616 was completely unaffected by these events.


Oh yeah looking 4ward to it by the way:)

"I will not be putting life bars in this movie - it will push back the release of this movie by at least two weeks."

So? Good work need to be polished off to the very end man! Insert life bars. I am inserting life bars into 32-bit tournament-2

I already apply insane amounts of polish. The issue is, as always, a cost/benefit analysis of one particular thing.

If I can develop an AS life bar system of acceptable appearance and functionality, I might consider using it, but if I have to do it manually like I did for Episode Zero, then I will probably pass on the idea. It was extremely glitchy.


Nice but I gues I will have to see what's going on. I should get started on my flash movie as well considering its 50% done so far.

Proxicide knows how to do the AS version. I am doing mine manually as I do not know how to do the AS version. But still, the reason I use life bars is to add the 'suspense effect'. When both of their lives are small, who is gong to win. That sort of thing.

Well, I doubt that I will be able to make a life bar system that works like his, but I just might be able to develop my own AS system. As usual, it will have to be a series of simple coding effects as I lack the knowledge to make complicated code sequences.

I've been thinking about it for the last few hours, and I think I might have deduced a way to make functional, non-square, non-standard life bars. Of course, I have to do some developmental tests before I can know whether or not they would be effective.

On a personal note, I think that the whole, "both fighters are one hit away from defeat and struggling for the final hit" thing has gotten a bit cliche'. I regret having done something similar to that in Episode 1. I'd like to find a better way for Episode 2.

I HATE cliches'.


That's what I'm thinking with my flash movie, to allow Newgrounds to host the whole movie if it's over 10mb.

But I am sure they wouldn't allow it. They would if your flashs are REALLY big. Like Haloid. Anything to cause traffic to their site.

If it's Proxicide's MK v SF, of course they'll allow it.

I may be wrong, but I believe that I might stand a good chance of getting an admin upload.

The 10 MB limit seems to be in place in order to keep flashes optimized. Of course, the description of "optimized" is subjective. A sixty second flash that is 10 MB because of poorly-compressed music is not optimized. At the other end of the spectrum you have movies like Power Star 4, which was around 20 MB. It was also a VERY long, graphically intensive movie. One would expect a movie of that scope to be that size. There is only so much optimization that can be done.

That said, I must repeat the only recourse I have to this issue- VG Exiles Episode 2 will have to be good enough to justify the upload. If Episode 1 is seen as indicative of my work, then I take the site's response to it as a good sign.

I have no choice but to remain optimistic.


If it gets too big, over 10MBs, Just break it in two parts and submit it half and half. Simple! But try to reduce it below 10MB. Unless that you are as good as Proxicide I doubt NGs will allow sprite animations above 10MBs. That is why I always stay below the limit. Remember this, the limit used to be 5MBs so you really have no excuse. =o/

"Just break it in two parts and submit it half and half. Simple! "

I'm afraid that's out of the question. Episode 2 will be seen at full-length or it will not be seen at all. The action sequences of my movies stop at nothing. That's one of my core animating principles. From "FIGHT" to "FINISH HIM", there must be no extended delays. No dialogue sequences. No distractions.

That's just how I roll.

To force the action to stop and make a viewer load another entire movie is absolutely out of the question. I would rather not show the movie at all.


"But try to reduce it below 10MB"

I will reduce it as much as I can, but it will not be below 10 MB. That much is certain.


"Unless that you are as good as Proxicide I doubt NGs will allow sprite animations above 10MBs."

I believe that it depends on how well the flash is made. Power Star 4 was over 20 MB. That tells me it's possible.

As you know, a flash submission larger than 10 MB requires admin upload. The fact that Episode 1 made front page proves that SOMEBODY in admin likes my work.

I take nothing for granted, but I believe that I have reason to be optimistic.

Oh, and you haven't seen Episode 2 yet. I'll tell you right now that it blows Episode 1 right out of the water. I'd have to let admin decide if it is "as good as Proxicide".

That's a bridge that I can cross only when I reach it.


Good luck my friend. Your sprite flashes are truly incredible.

Don't use life bars. They only telegraph who the winner is going to be, and take away the need to actually watch the fight and determined the winner. It's not like he's playing a game. So why do r1665 need it? To explain myself, i'll give you an example. when you watch a UFC match you don't have a life bar to tell you who is winning and who is losing or even if the match is even. You determine that through watching and the same can and should be done for this flash and any flash like this in the future.

Can't wait for this man, i really like the Marvel Exiles concept you have going on here. It's a pretty cool idea and it's working well for you, I hope you don't abandon it.

Actually, I was going to abandon it after Episode Zero. (That's why the series started on zero instead of one.)

I was going to do a six-part series called, "MK vs. SF - INVASION". That series was actually what I had planned to do from the beginning and VG Exiles Ep. 0 was only meant to be my "test run" in flash.

I did VG Exiles Ep. 1 in lieu of the INVASION project because the first episode of the INVASION series was going to be extremely difficult and I needed more practice.

After I finished VG Exiles Episode 1, I decided that I did not want to commit to six more fights and I abandoned the INVASION series. I realized that I wasn't wild about the thought of animating three of my planned fights because they involved characters I chose for story purposes and not because I actually liked them.

Therefore, I have scrapped the INVASION project and will be adapting the fights from that series that I did like for the Exiles. I'll be changing a couple of the characters because Exile fights can't all be MK vs. SF.

I'm 100% committed to the VG Exiles now.


if your file is over 10mb, how would you notify the administrator that you want to upload a good flash over 10mb?

I can't see it anywhere in the Submit Content page:/

I suppose I'd have to send Tom Fulp an email.


"I'm 100% committed to the VG Exiles now."

Good to hear man, good luck with the rest of the series.

Just to let you know that I have hit the 30 second milestone for 32-bit tournament 2 battle scene. It's going to be 5 mins in total. I am catching up to you man! So hurry up. LOL!

You'll have to add another 60 before you can catch up to me now!


"I'm glad to hear it!



NO! No and one more time NO!




I'm sorry, that just doesn't seem to have the same sense of ferocity...



nice pic,
so this is the next animation you are working on.
take your time i am waiting.

nice pic,
so this is the next animation you are working on.
take your time i am waiting.

wow nice work dude! Its fun to watch other artist's flashes, cause you learn new things in the process. I learned a lot from watching your recent flash. Keep up the work man, it looks real good.

oh.....and no lifebars. they wouldn't fit your fight style.

R1665, have you by any chance watched the cartoon: Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm?

I've seen a few clips on YouTube, but never a full episode.


I do not like that cartoon as it is aimed at 9 year olds because there is no blood. Have you seen Scorpion's harpoon move on that show? It's a rope that ties around his opponent as he tells them to, "get over here" . How sad is that? Takes away the horrifying element of Scorpion.

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