
Age 41, Male

Kentucky, USA

Joined on 2/17/08

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Well I'm glad that you're telling us that there will be a delay, now I won't keep checking your page for updates lol. I'm assuming that your job, not flashmaking, is what you refer to as part time and the fact that your priorities are in order is great to see. I know that since you are asking for our patience, then you will receive it.

As for the tagline of MK vs. SF...I say don't do it anymore...just see if you can get this project added into the MK and SF collections on newgrounds, that way, MK and SF fans will find it anyway, but it will be seen as a work that is your own

Best of luck, keep up the good work, looking forward to this movie, but you can't rush perfection, so take your time

Yeah, I'm going to have to make a hard push for the MK and SF Collections in the flash description early on. I will probably have to make a direct appeal to the management, even.

That Mortal Kombat Collection hasn't been updated in nearly two years.


Also, my job is not part-time. It is full-time. I normally get about six hours active time after work, which I can use for flashing. (I work nights and must go to bed before the sun rises). With my new temporary schedule, I get about three hours before dawn. By the time I perform my internet rounds and personal hygiene, there's little to no time to get into flash. All I've really done in the grand scheme of my schedule is to transfer those potentially productive three hours to a significantly less productive three hours of extra sleep in the afternoons.

Luckily for me, this schedule is temporary.


Take your time bro, I know that your flash will be awsome , for the name of the flash just keep VG Exiles, Its original and sounds cool.

Take ya time buddy. We all love ya work enough to wait as long as it takes and we all know by now that ya won't be releasing anything until its ready and meets your exacting standards.

As for the name I'd personally leave it out. Exiles has definately become an entity all of its own and adding the title when it represents the main action then omitting it when it doesn't will just break up the flow of the series and confuse people when they're trying to track the series as a whole.

I can't wait for the big unveiling but I will bide my time and test my patience to the limits :D

Loving the series! The delay

Sorry about my previous comment. I was gunna say the delay will be really worth it once the flash releases. You can't rush perfection, take your time and keep up the brilliant work! Like I said, sorry about the previous comment. Loving the series!

DUDE! I thought that guy was Freddy Krueger in the vid.

You don't have to use mk vs sf as a tag line because it would just be giving credit to proxicide for something that he didn't create. Obviously he doesn't want to make any mk vs sf flashes anymore so why give him credit for something he doesn't even has intrest in.

I've slowly learned to take the delay news in strive and look at the better side of things. Its done when its done is a good way for me to look at it was well.
And to hell with the Mk vs. Sf tagline. This is your masterpiece and it wouldn't do justice to call it anything other than what YOU want to call it. Whether that be MK vs. SF or Invasion or A vs. B. I honestly don't give a damn (and I hope I can speak for quit a few people here.) all I care is to see that R1665 has a new fight out and thats all I need. It could be called the Fairy Twizzler Puppets as long as its still the fight, thats what were waiting for.

"Fairy Twizzler Puppets"

That would be a good name for an indie-rock band... You watch. Somebody's gonna take it now.


stride* quite*

Go for it...

Dude, if you're going to stand on your own then be your own. Don't put the mk vs. sf tittle in. It makes it all the more personable to see you with your own creativity a 100%. On the other side mk vs. sf is so generic it doesn't really matter.
Thanks for the update. Look forward to the suprise release day.

Love and Light,

I honestly think it should be called "VG Exiles - Episode 3"

That does indeed seem to be the overwhelming consensus. I am definitely finding these supportive comments to be very refreshing and enlightening.


Delays happen no biggie. I hope you guys get a break from the heavy workload soon. As far as the question I say leave it out. Your flash indeed stands on its own and I got the feeling your future episodes(I hope :D ) will include characters not from those particular universes. So that being said I'd rather you stick to your original name. Btw awesome choice for a credit music.

You are correct. Future episodes will branch out and feature a variety of characters from multiple universes. Episodes 4-7 (as currently planned) will not headline an MK character. You're going to see characters and games that have never before been explored in this format. MK will return at the (currently planned) end of the series.

Oh, and that credits music would have indeed been an awesome choice if I could have used it without blowing out the file size. Oh, well. I'll just have to stick to loops for non-fight sections.


I'll just keep waiting patiently, these flashes have been some of the best I've seen. My opinion is leave it VG Exiles. This way, you'll have the flexibility of having characters other than those two groups. For example, Jon Talbain, He's been kicking plenty of ass and he's from the darkstalkers group. "Keep an open mind, and more things make sense." Hope this helps.

I think you should leave out the MK vs SF. I think you've proven yourself and I believe your series can stand on it's own. On another note I can't help but feel like Dhalsim will be apart of this flash. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do anything with him and well...I don't know I can't shake the feeling he'll be in it. Anyway good luck.

Just leave it as VG Exiles dude cuz with this title it's got more of a variety of characters to chose from such as the king of fighters series or even tekken if u can find 2-d sprites like i did.....besides if u really want it to be in one of the collections just ask us to recomend it im sure if enough of us do it'll eventually get in there. :D


wow... Yeah, my company requires me to do overtime this week. So, I feel your pain. Work is killing me as well. I got lazy for awhile and slacked off on my animating as well.

you don't need to add it.
it stands out enough as is.
and too many people use the prox card man.

frankly i was kinda hoping for more marvel characters from the marvel vs series of sprites, mainly due to my slight fanboyness of marvel and the exiles books, (seeing gambit was awesome :D)
still onto something that actually matters, i agree with the idea of VG exiles episode 3, giving you the chance (like you said you would) to do something interesting with new characters unseen (who doesn't like darkstalkers?) which makes this series the interesting gimmick which makes it one of the best on newgrounds

Oh, don't worry. I'm not finished with Marvel yet...


I agree in that you should reduce it to VG Exiles. That way people can see the Exiles pasrody rather than focusing on it simply being a MK vs SF fight. I mean, does it really NEED to have the specific title in it to be recommended into the collection? lol

Oh, and good luck handling time and all that.

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