Wow thats awesome news indeed. It's a shame that you parted ways with . 3xStudios but i can understand that irl stuff always comes first. Glad to see your on track again as well. Hope you and CE-Rap do well on the exiles and other future projects.
As i said before in your deviantart page "I can't wait to see more of your stuff that you currently have planned. (I'm Ricky-The-Werewolf in D) if your wondering).
Its awesome to see that you are going back to business with the exiles series the poster for vge2 looks awesome. I just have one question that has nothing to do with this do u think that you will do another MK FAILtality later on this year since it was such a big hit?
Probably not, to be honest.
I don't rule out FAILtality 2 or any other potential side project, but they are not my main focus. FAILtality wouldn't even exist if it weren't for the art delays. I guess that could be considered something of a silver lining.