It's official. I have passed the sixty second mark on VG Exiles Episode 2.
Looking at this beast, I have come to a few conclusions. First of all, I will not be putting life bars in this movie. The fact is that there are too many hits being exchanged to make life bars effective. Let's not forget the fact that it will push back the release of this movie by at least two weeks. I am already feeling the crunch of self-imposed time restraints and I would like to get this movie finished and released with as few roadblocks as possible.
Secondly, there is no way in hell that I am going to get this movie under 10 MB. I've got two "Capcom" fighters with over 1500 sprites each. I'm going to have over half a dozen cameo appearances adding to the file size as well. The musical track (and therefore the fight) is over a minute longer than that of Episode 1.
The fact that I got Episode 1 under 10 MB was a towering monument to sheer luck. Even though I have developed some new file size-saving techniques since then, the simple fact is that Episode 2 will require administrative approval from Newgrounds in order to appear here. This will not deter the project. I cannot help the file size, so my only recourse will be to make a battle so incredibly epic that it will be worthy of administrative upload.
Now, I made a promise in my last news post that I would no longer place my news posts on the front page unless I had a screenshot to go with them. Since I want this to appear on the front page, I suppose I have to offer you guys a screenshot!
As you can see, Ibuki will be making a cameo appearance in Episode 2! In this particular image, she is looking into the soul of Remy Boudreaux, and she doesn't like what she sees. In this instant, she sees his true form as well as many of the people whose deaths he is responsible for, including four slain Exiles. You might remember a couple of them from Episode 1!
Oh, and he will be adding several more to his "collection" by the time this fight is over!