I've decided to do my monthly update a couple of days early for the benefit of those going to the Anime Expo. You guys can officially relax - the flash won't be released during that time.
The fact is that work is kicking both mine and 3XStudio's asses. "Peak" seasons suck. If the sprite work weren't already completed, I'd definitely be behind by now. My particular problem is that my new temporary hours cut into the time I would normally use for flashing. 3X's problem is a crapload of overtime hours that cut into, well, everything. Anyway, delays are nothing new to the VG Exiles series. We went through this with Ep.2 and we'll make it through Ep.3 just fine, albeit a little later than expected.
That said, I'm not going to promise a release time frame. It'll be done when it's done. You can rest assured that I will be fighting to get it done as soon as possible, but I won't be making any timetables.
Next item:
If any of you are thinking about going to the Chicago Wizard World (where I will be wandering aimlessly for four days), tickets are still available:
http://www.wizardworld.com/home-ch.htm l
This could be your chance to meet the real me and watch as all of your unrealistic expectations crash and burn like a $1200 RC airplane in the hands of a three-year-old with ADD! Okay, that may be a bit of a stretch, but the basic principles apply.
August 19-22nd. I would highly recommend it if you are a comic geek who missed out on the San Diego Comic con. Plus, William Shatner and Patrick Stewart will be there. EPIC WIN!!!
Okay, last item on the agenda:
I have been debating doing something that I had earlier resolved not to do. Every time I seem to convince myself not to do it, I find myself pondering the question again a few days later. So, I shall fish for input.
"MK vs. SF" - Should I put the tag-line on this flash?
I am heavily weighing the pros and cons and cannot seem to come to a permanent decision. On the one hand, it is indeed a battle between MK and SF. The tag line will most definitely add views. Also, it's not like ANYBODY ELSE is friggin' using it anymore. I stole Proxicide's car; might as well drive it, eh?
On the other hand, Ep. 2 proved that I don't need the tag line to succeed. I don't need to skim off of Proxicide's popularity anymore. My series stands on its own. Ep.3 is also going to be the last episode for a long while that will officially be "MK vs. SF". Why change the new format just to accommodate something temporary?
Like I said, I am heavily leaning toward leaving "MK vs. SF" off as I had originally resolved to do. Still, that nagging little question keeps popping up in my head no matter how many times I think I have the issue decided. That said, I would appreciate your input.
What say ye, loyal news post visitors?
Now, just because I can, I present the following video. "Warriors" by RAUNCHY.
/* */
This was going to be the credits music for Ep. 3, but the file size grew to an unacceptable level. I'll probably still have to ask Tom Fulp for another file size extension for Ep.3 anyway, but I'm not going to put more space-destroying stuff in the flash just because I can.
Well I'm glad that you're telling us that there will be a delay, now I won't keep checking your page for updates lol. I'm assuming that your job, not flashmaking, is what you refer to as part time and the fact that your priorities are in order is great to see. I know that since you are asking for our patience, then you will receive it.
As for the tagline of MK vs. SF...I say don't do it anymore...just see if you can get this project added into the MK and SF collections on newgrounds, that way, MK and SF fans will find it anyway, but it will be seen as a work that is your own
Best of luck, keep up the good work, looking forward to this movie, but you can't rush perfection, so take your time
Yeah, I'm going to have to make a hard push for the MK and SF Collections in the flash description early on. I will probably have to make a direct appeal to the management, even.
That Mortal Kombat Collection hasn't been updated in nearly two years.
Also, my job is not part-time. It is full-time. I normally get about six hours active time after work, which I can use for flashing. (I work nights and must go to bed before the sun rises). With my new temporary schedule, I get about three hours before dawn. By the time I perform my internet rounds and personal hygiene, there's little to no time to get into flash. All I've really done in the grand scheme of my schedule is to transfer those potentially productive three hours to a significantly less productive three hours of extra sleep in the afternoons.
Luckily for me, this schedule is temporary.