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I actually have some updates this time...

Posted by R1665 - February 1st, 2011

First of all, the artwork on Ep.3 is still delayed. I'm sure that this surprises nobody. Let's all have our moment of rage and move on. It'll be done when it's done.


In other news, my upcoming Mortal Kombat FAILtality spoof is turning into quite the serious project. My earlier estimate of an end-of-January release date was a bit premature, but I don't see this project taking me much longer to complete. I have already animated scenes for eight characters, two of which have multiple "takes". There is over four minutes of content in the timeline already.

Yeah. That's right. I've done four minutes in five weeks. I wish my VGE series could go that fast...

Anyway, I always develop new animating tricks with every project and this comedy flash is no exception. VGE4 will certainly benefit from this spoof. I have gotten all warmed up again and I'll be back to kicking ass on the VG Exiles as soon as I get this one finished.

Now, I know that some of you are concerned about the whole comedy angle and would rather see some action. You may rest assured that this spoof has no shortage of action and violence. The interesting thing about comedy is that it sometimes turns out to be a lot more messy than action. For example, this flash features more blood and violence than anything else I have ever made.

I'm loving this and you will, too. Trust me.


I shall end this news post with a screen shot. I have taken this spoof opportunity to do some awesome things that I just don't have a spot for in the VG Exiles.


Say "hello" to Sonya's little friend!


I actually have some updates this time...


awesome bro! cant wait for episode 3 and thr spoofs. both are gonna be freakin sweet!!!!

you're a monster!

sweeet and awsome man!

Great update man, can't wait to see your spoof.

You are my favorite sprite animator right now so, i'm pretty excited here XD

Srsly, if you're gonna use hi-res characters like Blazblue and Guilty Gear, look at the hi-res Vergil and Dante. Over 1000 sprites each, they got their moves from DMC3 and have very smooth movement.

Also, try some characters at cvgunited. Some are still betas but others are already good and done. Even DC characters from scruffydragon have very good sprite work like Wonderwoman and Superman (though recently you need to register to download from Scruffydragon).

They may not be official sprites, but they are very good sprites.

Either way, my line-ups are pretty much decided for the rest of the series. I'm not adding any more fights.

Besides, hi-res does not automatically mean "looks good". I have the hi-res Vergil and it does not equal Guilty Gear. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that custom characters can't be fine examples of custom sprite work. I'm saying that they simply aren't in the same league as sprites that are created commercially by video game companies who have the money and resources needed to do something like that.

I'm one guy working with flash. I couldn't possibly compete against actual animation studios in any way, shape, or form. That's just reality.

Also, "very smooth movement" is NOT a positive attribute when animating sprites the way I do. I don't need sprites with clearly defined movements. I need sprites that are modular.

I mean, seriously, exactly how am I supposed to "think outside the box" on this? There really is no room for improvisation:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66 RISQ4o0Sw&feature=related


I just finished an entire section in under three hours...

That now puts me at ten characters finished and fifteen seconds shy of the five-minute mark. *celebrates*

Still more to do...


I see your point. But how about small cameos of them dying useless deaths? Like Superman going "how can this hurt me?" and some people go "like I care"

And also, it looks like you drew the minigun. Cool

I can't say I care for useless, random deaths. I prefer my deaths to be timely and appropriate.

Also, I didn't draw the minigun. I found it as an animated "smiley" on a discussion board for gun enthusiasts and performed some modifications. I couldn't draw a decent minigun if my life depended on it.


I dont know if you've seen these already but i thought i would share.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTT2uZ1cvwI&feature=channel">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTT2uZ 1cvwI&feature=channel</a>
----Rejected MK Fatalities----

BTW do you know a good place to get sprite sheets besides spritedatabase.net

I've seen them. They are pretty good, but they are definitely not one of my inspirations. I'm not big on the random style.

I don't really know of good places to get spritesheets because I haven't used sheets in a LOOOOOONG time. I get most of my sprites from Mugen characters now.


So you use a sprite ripper program on mugen? lol why didnt i think of that?! *smacks head* all this time....

Come on R1665, you can't think of ANY way of including a mini-gun in an ordinary gruesome spite-fight? Heres a couple of the top of my head.

-Automated turrets on the walls gunning down cameo fighters who get in the way and arent as swift as the Exiles to avoid the blasts

-A beast of some sort makes a cameo and has a mini-gun where his arm should be, sort of like the crab-monster in 32-Bit tournament 2. Just a mini boss-fight.

-Or one of the fighters just discovers a weapons cache with a mini-gun in it and guns down a few helpless cameos, preferably Ryu again XD

All I'm saying is, if you tried, you could think of a million different ways to implement a mini-gun into the regular Exiles fight scenes if you tried, because you're so innovative with everything else.

And by the way, that first idea of mine was pretty damn good know that I think of how high quality and kickass it would look in one of your animatons, but it would take hella long to animate and probably delay the entire project months. At any rate, send me a PM if you use it??? That would be so sick.

Also, you've done four minutes in... *squints* ....FIVE WEEKS???!!! WTF!!! O.O
Now that is surprising indeed, just when I thought I'd seen it all, too. Then again, as I look at the screen shot I notice that you didn't use custom backgrounds and you probably didn't use any custom high quality hitsparks or glowing effects like in episode 2.

"The interesting thing about comedy is that it sometimes turns out to be a lot more messy than action" AGREED. But, if you try for the next episode, you should have no problem making it just as gory.

By the way, may I request a character to die in the near future? Necro. I hate that guy, he's just Dhalsim+Twelve and Twelve is my favourite character so Necro sort of ripped him off. Not to mention he looks like shit, almost as ugly as Hugo or whatever his name was...

One more unrelated question, what do you think about create-a-character in the Mortal Kombat series? Do you hope it returns?

I personally think that I spent way too much trying to earn money for my character and used him more often than any of the real characters of MK, so although I loved playing as my created character, I'm hoping that they don't make a return. Besides, I was expecting a lot more from the MKA create-a-character and was very dissapointed.

"you can't think of ANY way of including a mini-gun in an ordinary gruesome spite-fight?"

Of course I can. I just don't have a place for a minigun in the series as it is currently planned.

"But, if you try for the next episode, you should have no problem making it just as gory."

Actually, Ep4 will be strictly one-on-one, to the death, and with NO cameos.

"One more unrelated question, what do you think about create-a-character in the Mortal Kombat series? Do you hope it returns?"

I was very impressed with the MKA create-a-player feature considering that it was their first attempt. I had spent years following the create-a-player modes in the WWE games, so I do have an appreciation for create-a-player modes.

However, I think that the MK team should leave that feature out of the next MK. They should solidly establish this new canon and get everyone used to it before they start tossing in stuff like Create-A-Fighter, chess, cart racing, or any other stuff like that.


You like yourself waaaayy too much, it's time to get serious, gramps

I'm an attention whore, I'll admit. Besides, if I can't like myself, then what's the whole point?

Wisdom from Saint Williams (delete blank space):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86 to2IWTbzs&feature=related


"an entire section in under three hours" - Impressive. Keep animating and never lose focus. I have a feeling that your next instalment will be mind-blowing.

"if I can't like myself, then what's the whole point?"

pointless lame excuse

Well then, what would you suggest?


I loved chess combat, that mode was THE shit!

I'd be sooo happy if they brought that back instead of something like Konquest.

I found chess combat to be fun for about five minutes. After that, not so much. It's not really chess if you can prevent your pieces from dying simply by winning a match.


So when is this coming out?

Hopefully by the end of the month. I only have about ten scenes left to do.


Oh no my hero. Run LIu Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL but what have you taken from making spoof that you will add in the next exiles.

Mostly new animating tricks and shortcuts. Stuff on the technical end.


"hello" to Sonya's little friend!

Im starting TUPT-3 nigggggga

Now I know why nobody has ever used Motaro's sprites before. They SUCK for animating.

...and to think, I had planned to do a fight scene with him a couple of years ago. Good thing I canceled MK vs. SF INVASION. That would have sucked ass.


MK vs SF?
YOU SUCK ASS Badboy >:c

Btw you're into metal?
I'm more Rock or Rock'n'Roll type :D

HARD ROCK HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was way back before I decided to focus entirely on the VG EXILES. My first two flashes bear the "MK vs SF" tagline, so this really shouldn't surprise anybody.

Oh, and yes, I am indeed into metal.



"Actually, Ep4 will be strictly one-on-one, to the death, and with NO cameos."

so we're gonna see someone getting a fatality???

or is it like vg2 a cut scene were he would be dead not showing how he died???

"Finish Him/Her" means brutality murder him/her to the fullest :))


"so we're gonna see someone getting a fatality???"

Oh, don't worry. You won't have to wait for Ep4 to get that. Only one of my two chosen fighters will be walking away alive from Ep3.


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