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VG Exiles is a truckin' along...

Posted by R1665 - May 1st, 2011

Hey, guys!

This month's update features something very special. I had previously mentioned that VGE3 shouldn't take too long to finish. I had said that a June release would be way beyond the current estimates. Well, it turns out that my earlier estimates were a bit shortsighted. There is every chance that VGE3 won't be out until at least then.

Now, before you guys get annoyed, just know that there is a DAMN GOOD REASON for the current delay. The artwork being produced by CE-Rap is super awesome and cannot be rushed. As a taste of things to come, I would like to introduce you to someone who will be making their presence known in VGE3:

Charlie Nash (Earth 6013-5077)

Ten years ago, Charlie and Guile infiltrated a heavily-defended Shadowlaw base in Venezuela in an attempt to destroy the Psycho Drive. Although they were successful in their mission, Guile was killed by M. Bison as Charlie escaped with a group of Venezuelan hostages. The death of Guile would haunt Charlie and result in an obsession for vengeance. From that point on, Charlie devoted his life to hunting down and exterminating every last trace of Shadowlaw's influence across the globe.

Through his cunning, ruthlessness, and strategic use of military assets under his command, Charlie drove Shadowlaw to the farthest reaches of the globe. Shadowlaw bases were razed worldwide and most of Shadowlaw's command structure was taken out. Due to Charlie's efforts, Balrog now sits on death row and both Sagat and Vega are dead. Still, Charlie's number one target has so far evaded him: M. Bison.

Now, Charlie has finally cornered the final remnants of Shadowlaw in the rebuilt Venezuelan stronghold. He is finally ready to bring the full force of brutal justice upon M. Bison. However, something seems wrong about the whole situation. What are these rumors of interdimensional technology? Who is this mysterious woman that has assumed command of his whole unit? Who was that civilian that arrived with her and where did he go?

Something is definitely fishy here and Charlie intends to get to the bottom of it.


Charlie Nash by CE-Rap

(I would STRONGLY suggest that you follow the link to see the full, high-res version. Also, be sure to let CE-Rap know how much you appreciate his efforts!)

Get ready folks, VG Exiles Episode 3 is coming.


VG Exiles is a truckin' along...


Looking good, R1665! Loving Nash's story and the artwork that comes along with it. Your building quite a hype for episode 3, such a tease lol. Looking forward to this and more from you. Keep up the good work!

"The artwork being produced by CE-Rap is super awesome and cannot be rushed"
-- I agree. He should take his time.

"both Sagat and Vega are dead"
-- I'm not surprised...

"force of brutal justice upon M. Bison"
-- I want him to die so bad!

R1665, your stories are interesting as usual. I can't wait. I bet Nash is going to try and kill Bison but then he gets himself into some type of trouble because he underestimated Bison's power.

Enough fluff. Juuuuust make with the animation will ya? Old dude is a HELL of an artist. What skill!!

Hey, gotta do something with the downtime, right?


i never thought i would see R1665 put the phrase "super awesome"
this delay is fine with me, it's motivating me to finish my project before yours.
i think a preemptive release would give me a fighting chance.....maybe?

Go for it. Any motivation you can find is good motivation.


This is awesome artwork and I cannot wait for VG Exiles 3! You guys rock something AWESOME!

Woohoo! Can't wait! Thanks for the update!

Woah! Crap in a hat, that is the most epic rendition of Charlie ever! CE-Rap is awesome. :)

Hell to the yeah. Take your time, R1665; if the animation and story are half as good as your previous submissions, VGE3 will be worth the wait.

His gun on his back looks like a faamas.

i don't think you're gonna care reading this but i thought i could give you a thought of which characters to choose...
but who cares
i ask if you can do a battle between warachia vs svc sagat (cvs effects and soundpack) after seeing a good battle between them in mugen
or between broli vs johann, awesome battle of these 2 in mugen
your choice if you want these suggestions, not mine

btw ce-rap rocks!!

As a general rule, mugen is not a good indicator of a character's usefulness in flash. They are fundamentally different mediums.

For example, Warachia and Johann might look impressive in a mugen setting, but they don't make the cut for my flash. Structurally speaking, their moves are few and limited in their potential for customization and improvisation. Aesthetically speaking, they are too "elegant". I prefer guys who will throw down in the dirt and kill each other with their bare hands if need be. I do "gritty", not "pretty". One question that I ask when determining a characters' usefulness is, "would they still be effective without powers"?

Neither DBZ characters nor DBZ choreography will appear in my flash works under any circumstances, so Broli is out.

Sagat would be an excellent candidate for a flash, though.


Woah that's awsome dude reminds me of the terminator but way more bad-ass XD

Here's a suggestion: Maybe for future installments, you and Ce-Rap should make a series of reusable segments that you can tween akin to the flash movie Brutality by McFretN. Truth is, I can't stand it when interesting stories are wasted on the whole flash/motion comic deal (I find them to be too static and lifeless).

I generally don't find the movement style of vector animation appealing. Also, it is highly impractical to do full animation with the detailed art style shown here.

I may not end up doing a strict comic panel style, but I would definitely stick to the minimalist pattern I have already established if for no other reason than to pay tribute to the comic origins of the Exiles.

Granted, not all will find it appealing, but that will be true of any path taken.


alright but what charaters are you using for this next epic fights that you create

Karin vs. Sindel...


"what charaters are you using for this next epic fights"
-- I'm sure that type of information is going to remain a secret. xD

That it will. LOL!


hey R1665, didn't Sindel kill Stryker in like one hit in the MK9 story mode? xD
*Just Saying*

Yeah, along with 80% of the good guys. I thought that whole situation was bullshit, anyway. It came right out of left field. At no point had Sindel ever been established as being any more powerful than any other kombatant, much less powerful enough to kill most of Earthrealm's defenders with ease.

Then, after killing half a dozen Kombatants (most of whom had fought and beaten much more powerful foes), she fights Nightwolf and is "normal". Then they kill each other in a show of tremendous power.

The scene in question really butchers both canon and laws of common sense. For example, Sindel and Nightwolf are strong enough to kill each other, yet Nightwolf got his ass handed to him by Scorpion. Meanwhile, Sindel kills over half a dozen Kombatants at once. Of those dead Kombatants, Stryker had fought and beaten Kintaro while Cyber Sub-Zero had fought and beaten BOTH the Shokan. All we need now is for Reptile (who loses to EVERYONE) to show up and kill Raiden. Then the circle of stupidity will be complete.

That's really my only complaint regarding MK9. I can understand that NRS wanted to kill everybody for some as-yet-unknown plot purpose, but they really dropped the ball in how they went about doing it. I say "as-yet-unknown" because I very much doubt that the dead Kharacters will stay dead for long.

It is Mortal Kombat, after all. Nobody stays dead unless the dev team hates them (like Hsu Hao).


Dude, she was pumped up on Shang Tsung's souls. I mean she probably couldn't do that to Stryker's face on her own.

That could loosely explain the situation were it not for the involvement of Nightwolf. Also, if Shang Tsung's reserve of souls were that much of an enhancement, then how is it that he lost to Kitana during her chapter?

Shang Tsung's souls in Shang Tsung = Loses to Kitana. Loses to Liu Kang. Loses to Kung Lao (even with Quan Chi backing him up).

Shang Tsung's souls in Sindel = owns, pwns, and teabags Kitana, Jade, Jax, Stryker, Kabal, Smoke, and Cyber-Sub Zero.

So much for the soul theory... WTF?


To add to this point, consider Ermac. He's nothing but souls. He has so many souls that they can form a corporeal body and still have enough left for supernatural attacks. They also are numerous enough to flit idly around his body. Stryker whooped his ass in a subway having already gone through Reptile, Mileena, and Kintaro.

I guess souls aren't as good a power source as one might think...


After playing the mk story mode did u want to use anything from it in exiles?

Not really.

However, a plot line I wrote over a year ago for a character will now seem more plausible thanks to the MK9 storyline. It will still diverge from canon, of course, but you'll be able to go, "yeah, I could see how that could've happened".


I just thought of something funny. Kenshi is gonna be one of the new DLC characters. Though Kenshi is blind, I bet they're still gonna make to where Stryker can blind him with the opening of his x-ray attack.

Not necessarily.

Ed Boon is aware of that issue. If you remember, they made Kenshi immune to attacks targeting the eyes in previous games (like Sonya's Kiss of Death), so I can see them making it so that Stryker's x-ray auto-fails.


After laying the MK9 story mode, Smoke and Kabal became two of my new personal favourites, especially cause Kabal is a good guy now.

I remember Boon once saying that after MK: Armageddon they were planning on making the next Mortal Kombat game completely fresh with totally new characters with some old favourites returning. Obviously Scorpion and Sub Zero and a few others.

Then Mk vs DCU came and everyone forgot about that. Maybe with MK9 though, they decided the next game will be featuring a whole new roster and thats why they decided that they needed to kill off all the good guys. I'd love a totally new roster, I think it would be sweet. Also, I loved the entire MK9 plot besides when Sindel killed everyone, and as R1665 said, victories that made no sense.

Like Stryker beating Ermac in the subway. Earthrealm's CHAMPION Earthrealm fighter struggled against him, and Stryker manages it without any notice at all?

I dunno if you guys beat the Arcade ladder with every character, but in Kabal's his respirator was damaged and he searched for the guy who made Kano's cybernetic eye. Basically, this "nazi scientist" rebuilds Kabal completely with a simply BADASS look, faster and stronger. It says he needs to be to repay his debt, so basically he's an assassin now.

That sounds like a pretty epic story to me for Kabal. I hope they go through with it. As awesome as it was that he was good this game, he would be a kickass villain too.

I only wish that with MK9 Raiden would've changed even more events! Like Reptile, Scorpion, Sub Zero and Ermac could turn into cyborgs but Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke would remain human. And it would've been great to see someone other than Liu-Kang win the tournament at the begginning. I could think of a lot more possibilities for the MK storyline.

Best part of dialogue in my opinion throughout the story was:

Raiden: "You fought well, Johnny Cage."
Johnny Cage: "Thanks... Nice hat."

"especially cause Kabal is a good guy now"

Kabal started out in MK3 as a good guy. He only went bad in later installments. It's like how Sindel started out bad in MK3 and later ended up on the good side.

"the next game will be featuring a whole new roster and thats why they decided that they needed to kill off all the good guys."

I very highly doubt that. They're setting up the plotline of the next MK as being the Netherrealm vs. Outworld/Earthrealm. If you think about it, there really aren't any noteworthy Netherrealm personalities aside from Quan Chi and Scorpion. I believe that the deceased Earthrealm heroes are going to become the "bad guys" of the next installment, giving the Outworlders a chance to become "good guys". You'll notice that very few of them died in MK9.

There are a lot of unused Earthrealm fighters that would be able to fill the hero vacuum left over by all of the dead guys.

I think that the deaths of the Earthrealm fighters could be really cool if NRS plays it out correctly. It would be awesome to see demonic, pumped-up versions of the slain Earthrealm fighters working for the Netherrealm in the next game.

Taking good guys and twisting them into fucked-up versions of their former selves? That definitely appeals to me...


"Like Stryker beating Ermac in the subway. Earthrealm's CHAMPION Earthrealm fighter struggled against him, and Stryker manages it without any notice at all?"

Stryker is, and always has been, HEAVILY NERFED. He has to be in order to interact with the other fighters. His weapons must be reduced to the effectiveness of airsoft pistols because he would utterly own, pwn, and facerape the rest of the cast otherwise.

I'll refer you to my VGE3 Easter Egg...



"I dunno if you guys beat the Arcade ladder with every character, but in Kabal's..."

Individual character endings are almost never canon.


"he would be a kickass villain too..."

Netherrealm influence. It's gonna happen. You just watch.


"Like Reptile, Scorpion, Sub Zero and Ermac could turn into cyborgs but Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke would remain human..."

Reptile. Scorpion, and Ermac, though all formerly palette-swapped ninjas, are not Lin Kuei. Besides, neither Scorpion nor Ermac would ever be made into cyborgs. Red and yellow are already spoken for in that department.


Mostly all of those characters died because they arent in mk4 but some of them are i think that at the end of the next mk. Johnny Cage will be the champion because Liu Kang def is not going to be it. I just hope that they have Fujin fight Raiden at one point.

Jax and Liu Kang were in MK4. Both are now dead.

As for the Mortal Kombat Champion, there no longer even has to be one. The whole tournament structure went out with the events of MK2. Canonically speaking, there was never officially any "tournament" from MK3 onwards. Just individuals fighting for their own purposes.


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