Okay folks, we're getting down to the wire on VGE3. This time last month, the plan was to have the episode finished and released by the second week of July. The untimely death of my computer kind of wrecked that plan and pushed our timetables forward by at least a week. I can say that we are going to try like hell to get this episode finished and on the portal by the end of this month. If not then, shortly thereafter.
Having already animated some of the art material, I can say with great confidence that you guys are gonna SHIT A BRICK when you see this. VGE3 will be the first of a brand new era in artwork storytelling for sprite movies. This era was briefly touched upon in VGE2, but will now reach an entirely new degree of complexity for VGE3. Like all things practiced, of course, it will get even better with time.
The biggest issue for me now is how the hell I'm going to fit ten gallons of awesome in a five gallon bucket. There is so much spectacular artwork and so much music to accentuate it that the current rate of data accumulation will go well beyond my current 20 MB upload limit. I am going to have to use every trick in my book to lower that file size to an acceptable level. If, however, I am still unable to get beneath that 20 MB line with acceptable quality, I just might have to go to Tom Fulp with hat in hand once again.
I'd like to think that he'd accommodate me considering my last movie spent three weeks on the Front Page... *finishes patting self on back*
Once CE-Rap has finished the artwork for the flash he will create a promotional poster as before for the current episode. For an example of what this kind of poster looks like, click HERE.
Once the VGE3 poster is done, I will edit this news entry accordingly and provide the link. In addition to the character reveals, I will also reveal the battle anthem and finally provide a definite release date.
It's been a very long and troublesome journey, but the end is finally upon us. Stay tuned.
Yeah!!!! It's been so long and now it's close to it's release. I believe I will shit a brick once I see it, lol