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The home stretch

Posted by R1665 - July 1st, 2011

Okay folks, we're getting down to the wire on VGE3. This time last month, the plan was to have the episode finished and released by the second week of July. The untimely death of my computer kind of wrecked that plan and pushed our timetables forward by at least a week. I can say that we are going to try like hell to get this episode finished and on the portal by the end of this month. If not then, shortly thereafter.

Having already animated some of the art material, I can say with great confidence that you guys are gonna SHIT A BRICK when you see this. VGE3 will be the first of a brand new era in artwork storytelling for sprite movies. This era was briefly touched upon in VGE2, but will now reach an entirely new degree of complexity for VGE3. Like all things practiced, of course, it will get even better with time.

The biggest issue for me now is how the hell I'm going to fit ten gallons of awesome in a five gallon bucket. There is so much spectacular artwork and so much music to accentuate it that the current rate of data accumulation will go well beyond my current 20 MB upload limit. I am going to have to use every trick in my book to lower that file size to an acceptable level. If, however, I am still unable to get beneath that 20 MB line with acceptable quality, I just might have to go to Tom Fulp with hat in hand once again.

I'd like to think that he'd accommodate me considering my last movie spent three weeks on the Front Page... *finishes patting self on back*


Once CE-Rap has finished the artwork for the flash he will create a promotional poster as before for the current episode. For an example of what this kind of poster looks like, click HERE.

Once the VGE3 poster is done, I will edit this news entry accordingly and provide the link. In addition to the character reveals, I will also reveal the battle anthem and finally provide a definite release date.

It's been a very long and troublesome journey, but the end is finally upon us. Stay tuned.



Yeah!!!! It's been so long and now it's close to it's release. I believe I will shit a brick once I see it, lol

if you manage to get yours out before mine, i could at least drown out my sorrows with an awesome animation.
by the way, i thought the file limit was 10MB.
did they up it again or something?

10 MB is standard, but Tom Fulp can increase your limit if he deems it a worthy cause.


lol R1665 jus knowing that VGE3 is done is enought to shit bricks seeing VGE3 itself will probaly release the choclate log special in peoples pants alot of people are looking foward to it but theres one thing i have to say CE-Rap is great but why does he give almost every1 in his posters that weird evil demon face


Thanks for the comment, glad you dig the work. I'm new here so I don't know how to reply to you directly, but i'll post here anyway.

Demon faces? ...I don't get your meaning in the regard. I can only guess you mean the "angered looks," but...I'm sure you've seen R1's fight scenes. They ARE NOT tame in teh slightest. They are ferocious, visceral and gut crunching in every sense. Why would i want my poster to be ANY less intense?

consider the following===>

--Ken IS a demon in the first movie. Soo...yeah

---Cammy is releasing her fury through her canon drill, the move which Sonya herself says "hits like a freight train." Cammy's fury shows in her expression--contrasting Sonya's expression of "Holy Shit, here she comes." I wanted to make it clear that, while Sonya is a powerful warrior, there is something inherently frightening at seeing this attack coming at you HEAD ON.

---Talbain...should be explanatory much like Ken. He's not a demon, but...watch the movie. He....is.....PISSED! A pissed off wolf...charging at you, with the full intent of killing you to avenge the love that was brutally murdered in cold blood.

I would say, check out footage of real people in actual fights---like boxing fights or UFC matches. You'll see how they furrowed they end up looking in the heat of a thrown attack.

Lastly---these posters are OOOOOLD. Anything i draw that is six months old, I consider dated work in my eyes----so THOSE are ANCIENT to me since i did them 2 years ago. They were actually the first in a series of new artistic experiments i was trying for myself. So there is a shift in how THEY look compared to all the other art from that year (2009). But yeah---they're in a Florida nursing home--that's how old they are to me.

Focus on this upcoming poster. It will fierce---it will be vicious---it will be furious.

^ This ^


good to hear that. but now we are shitting bricks because release is delayed. from what you say, this is gonna be epic (well, really great, if not epic).

P.S: interesting - every new episode is going to be bigger than previous? anyway more there is better

Bigger and better in quality, yes, but I'm not just going to continually up the filesizes as we go. Moderation.


'beyond my current 20 MB upload limit' - You have to be very careful with file sizes. I know Tom Fulp can help you upload it and all... but isn't there a limit to which he can accept files larger than the standard 10MB? For example, if VGE3 goes up to 30MB, I don't think Tom Fulp would agree to upload it for you. It's just too large. :-/ The Street Fighter collab was only 28.5 MB. And we all know how huge that was.

I'm not shooting for a 30 MB upload. I'm going to optimize it as much as I can, but I still have a sneaky suspicion that it is going to end up in the 24 MB range.

As far as Tom's role in large files is concerned, he does not have to upload anything for anybody. He can simply increase their upload limit and let them do it. I can certainly see why there is an initial 10 MB cap, but there is no real reason to deny the extra space for a flash that is going to guarantee a great deal of views. Take the Street Fighter Collab, for instance. It was upwards of 30 MB. That's a lot for an individual file, but it is only peanuts compared to the total megabytes uploaded every day. Consider also that each Newgrounds user gets 500 MB of free upload space in their file dump. Newgrounds certainly isn't hurting for storage space, they just want to see people optimizing their flashes as much as possible.

I can definitely understand that.


There will be Blood....(Shao Kahn voice)

need...to see...new...episode...soon

So close! I can't wait for it, man!

It's too quiet in here. Time for some topical ponderings.

I now officially hate Mortal Kombat ninjas as much as Street Fighter Shotoclones. The ninjas were already overrated when the new Mortal Kombat dropped, but Netherrealm Studios has since gotten worse than Capcom in pandering to the lowest common denominator.

The retailer DLC pre-order incentives for Mortal Kombat were as follows: "Classic" ninja outfits for every former ninja except Smoke and Noob and similar "classic" ninja outfits for the female ninjas.

Next, the first wave of XBOX DLC appears and the avatar items are 90% ninjas. Oh, sure, there were a few rarities like a Baraka mask and a Kabal costume, but the grouping looked like this: Ninja, ninja, ninja, cyber ninja, ninja, ninja, generic t-shirt, female ninja, ninja, ninja, cyber ninja, Baraka mask, ninja, ninja, and ninja.

Then, it finally came time for some DLC character action! Who do we get? Skarlett. A red female ninja. Mileena with dental insurance. The compatability pack that must be downloaded to fight Skarlett online if you do not buy her contains "classic" cyber ninja costumes for Cyrax and Sektor.

Another recent pack contained "classic" ninja outfits for Noob and Smoke, completing the redundant sellout package of having the same damn textures recolored and sold to you multiple times.

Then, there came Kenshi, and I praised NRS's ballsy attempt to release something substantial that wasn't ninja related.

Now Rain is being released on July 19th and we're back to the ninjas again.


Realistically speaking, there is only so much DLC content that a developer can make before they must commit their resources to making newer and more lucrative titles. At least Capcom had the sack to create alternate DLC outfits for every character and not just the ones they thought would sell better.

Really. my hatred for Shotoclones did not come from Capcom. It came from the fans. It came from everyone and their mother making 99% Shotoclone-centered flash fights. I know that some of that stupidity could be blamed on Proxicide, but he didn't make worthless characters like Akuma the fan-favorite powerhouses they are today. Idiots did that on their own.




My hatred for ninjas is coming from the industry, which, in a way, is WAY WORSE. Capcom is fatally stuck in the early nineties. They are stagnant and completely unable to let their characters grow and develop. Their little embellishments like alternate costumes may not be the norm, but at least they try to evenly distribute it across the board and, in a way, let their characters grow within VERY LIMITED bounds.

Netherrealm studios broke that stagnancy pattern long ago and, in this most recent incarnation of MK, brought the quality level up to a point that was, IMO, much superior to anything Capcom would be able to make under their current way of thinking. MK proves its superiority via character and series evolution. Capcom Shotos remain the same, but MK ninjas grew and developed. It was a great and awesome display of superiority by NRS over Capcom.

Then what does NRS do? They start pandering incessantly to the same cut-and-paste lowest-common-denominator horse shit that they had successfully broken away from.

Who is to blame here? Is it the fucktard general population that loves the shit out of a dozen identical characters with pallet swaps and different moves? Or Is it the sellouts at NRS trying to squeeze every last penny out of said fucktard population?

I blame both, but the worse offender is NRS. The fucktard population is what it is - unimaginative and prone to suggestion. NRS has a choice.

Rant over. Discuss.


i can see where you are coming from, but if you were able to make a million dollars off of a few palette swaps, you might do the same.
money can compromise just just about anyone's creativity.

Yes, but I would at least have the sense to create a variety of content if for no other reason than to maintain the illusion that money wasn't my only motivation.


Ooooooh, that's harsh. I wish we could somehow get NRS' opinion about that.

I think that that the classic costumes were alright, because I think that NRS just wanted people to be able to see their old favourites in their original costumes. There were two problems with that idea.

1) Most peoples favourite character is 90% of the time a ninja. These are the "fucktards" you were referring to. So, NRS tried to please all of those fucktards, and they were probably thinking, "Dude, since everybody just loves the ninjas, we can totally make stacks of money by pallette-swapping again!"

Hell, it's so easy and they made so much money, can you REALLY blame them? ;)

2) For all of the other characters, NRS pretty went back to their classic costumes anyway, so how do you release a classic costume for them? Raiden looks pretty much the same, Nightwolf, Kabal, Stryker, etc...

The only ones I can think of off the top of my head that could have classic alternate costumes are Johnny Cage (but it would REALLY suck because it would just be his first appearance, which was pretty much just a guy in black shorts and a red sash around his waist), Kano, Quan Chi's MK4 outfit, Sindel, and Sonya.

5 characters could have classic outfits as DLC that aren't ninjas, and one would likely suck ass. There are way more than 5 ninjas, so it kind of seems like the obvious choice. Also, it pleases all the fucktards EASILY and they make a bunch of money.

As for Skarlett and Rain coming out as DLC, I think that Rain should've been in the game in the first place, along with Chameleon. Skarlett could have been in the Kratos/Cyber Sub Zero slot. They are great characters but still ninjas, and I don't think we should have to pay extra for them.

Also, the "secret character" that they're releasing last could very well be Chameleon, but I doubt they would sink THAT low. I heard it's gonna be someone like Havik or something.

So long as it's not Hotaru, Dairou, Mokap, Mavado, Hsu Hao, Taven, or anyone else who was randomly thrown in and nobody remembers, I'll be fine with it.

But I hate Kenshi. Absolutely hate him. So far, I'm not interested in buying Skarlett or Rain because they're just more ninjas, and I'm not buying Kenshi because I think he's the real fucktard out of anyone. So if they want my money they better come out with someone interesting and CHEAP.


---"Hell, it's so easy and they made so much money, can you REALLY blame them? ;)"---

Actually, yes. There would be no problem and I would not be complaining if the deck wasn't so overwhelmingly stacked in favor of the ninjas. They aren't even trying to maintain the illusion that they give a shit about anything but the money that ninja marketing brings.

---"For all of the other characters, NRS pretty went back to their classic costumes anyway, so how do you release a classic costume for them?"---

Who says they have to release classic costumes? They can release new ones. Capcom managed to make new costumes for their whole roster in SFIV and NRS can run circles around them design-wise. Granted, not all of the new SFIV costumes were winners, but at least they tried. They weren't just making shit for the Shotoclones and leaving everybody else out.

I think it would be really cool of NRS to have character design contests and turn the winners into downloadable costume packs. That would be a wonderful continued marketing enhancement for the game since the newness has mostly worn off. Of course, that's not gonna happen. Makes too mush sense.

---"I think that Rain should've been in the game in the first place"---

I agree and I applauded his MKA redesign. I am disappointed to see that he is being reverted to yet another ninja clone once again. Considering how many pallet swapped ninjas managed to garner individuality (like Reptile and Ermac), it's very disheartening to see an appealing Rain design be rejected in favor of the same old shit.

---"I heard it's gonna be someone like Havik or something."---

The name I keep hearing is Fujin. However, I would much rather see Reiko. His character model (badass MKA style) is already in the game as a background fighter in the Pit stage, so it probably wouldn't take much for them to flesh him out. Much like Skarlett and Kenshi.

---"But I hate Kenshi. Absolutely hate him."---

I'm indifferent to Kenshi. He may be a simple cliched blind swordsman, but at least he's not a damn ninja.


Im rather disappointed with Rain. I have seen the gameplay trailer for him, and most of his moves look borrowed from the other fighters. His teleport grab is obviously from Noob, his water blast looks like a recolored version of Reptile's EX-acid spit and his his second fatality looks like it's ripped off from Quan Chi's On Your Knees fatality. I am sick of the male ninjas, though mostly Scorpion and Sub Zero. I have seen Scorpion so much online that he holds no surprises for me unless the player using him can do 60% damage combos. I can't wait for skins that aren't palette swaps. I never bothered getting the Classic skins pack cause I don't really play any of the ninjas, tho my wife plays Kitana alot. No point putting money down on something that's not gonna be used, right? Me personally I favor Quan Chi and Stryker because 1. they kick ass 2. they are not ninjas 3. Most people are not familiar with them online, so nobody knows how i am gonna attack them with them.
On to Skarlet, I can see why people would say she is a red Mileena, but at least Skarlet wears skimpy clothing for a reason other than sex appeal. If I remember correctly Skarlet aborbs the blood of her enemies through her skin (storywise anyway, tho it would have been cool if she could get stronger like that in-game), she couldn't do that if she was dressed up like someone like Ashrah. I think Skarlet is ok. I like Kenshi, but I feel like something is missing when I play him. I remember reading somewhere that the DLC characters were supposed to get the full treatment, like alt. costumes and a spot in the Nekropolis, but we didn't get that, so what is up with that? Yes I also agree that Rain should have been in the game already and the only reason Rain is a DLC is because fans griped to Ed Boon to include him as DLC. I think the 4th mystery fighter is the Challenge tower zombie or a brand new original character. Speaking of shoto ninjas I think Chameleon (and Khameleon) are the ultimate shoto ninjas. They had all the ninja's moves!

Oh, and I just found out a minute ago that the 2 retro costumes that are being bundled with Rain is non other than MK2 Kitana and Jade........

i dunno, i mean personally i kinda like the ninjas... yeah, as much as a fucktard as i may be, when your comparing them to the shoto clones of street fighter i think mortal kombat gets off pretty lightly. compare scorpion and sub-zero to ryu and ken. they couldn't be more different...clothing non-standing. and whilst yes it may be a rip-off to have to pay for characters that look very similar to each other (but unlike in street fighter at least aren't wearing the exact same fucking clothes which got left in the red washing -.-) have some diversity, and move set wise agree that some of rains moves look similar to other characters as has been stated before

" His teleport grab is obviously from Noob, his water blast looks like a recolored version of Reptile's EX-acid spit and his his second fatality looks like it's ripped off from Quan Chi's On Your Knees fatality"

but still in the interest of making things balanced isn't it a little obvious that some of the moves would be kinda the same? besides its not like other characters before the dlc couldn't teleport/ levitate. i dunno, but when it seems that their not forcing you to buy it and since the people who are going to buy it are going to be the core die-hard fucktards who love the ninjas doesn't it make sense to pander to your audience? why not make money if its the last thing to do? as douchbaggy as it sounds, its not like they have to do anything more, they've made their great game with a moderation of ninjas. am i ecstatic about it? no. but their diverse enough for me. and maybe they'll get off their ass's with the money they make from this for a more varied sequel...(this argument wasn't totally fuelled by my love of scorpion or anything...)

Well, when I used the word "fucktards', I had in mind the people who like popular characters for no good reason other than because they're popular. There is no accounting for taste and anyone can like who they want, but the fucktards are the ones who will say, "To hell with Jax/Stryker/Kabal! Nobody cares about them! Scorpion pwns all!"

THOSE people are the true fucktards and there's a hell of a lot more out there than one might think.

---"when your comparing them to the shoto clones of street fighter i think mortal kombat gets off pretty lightly. compare scorpion and sub-zero to ryu and ken. they couldn't be more different..."---

I definitely agree that ninjas are less redundant than Shotoclones, but as I said, my hatred for the two groups comes from two completely different sources and I despise both groups equally, but for different reasons.

---"but when it seems that their not forcing you to buy it and since the people who are going to buy it are going to be the core die-hard fucktards who love the ninjas doesn't it make sense to pander to your audience? why not make money if its the last thing to do?"---

That implies that the "audience" is only going to be ninja fanboys. If one is to pander solely to those character's fans, then why bother putting non-ninja characters in the game in the first place? They might as well just make the whole damn game about ninjas, then.

To pander is one thing, to pander to one AND ONLY ONE specific crowd when others are being ignored is quite another.

As far as the money is concerned, how much more money are they going to need? Warner Bros made their investment money back with a couple extra fortunes to boot from their acquisition of Midway. With the success of Mortal Kombat, funding is not going to be an issue for getting MK2 out. There's not gonna be any new features added to MK2 now just because some MK1 DLC content put extra change in the coffers. What you are seeing now is greed, pure and simple.

It's not as bad as making people pay for characters already on the disc like some games have, mind you, but greed is greed regardless of the degree of severity.


I also agree with how the MK Ninjas are being overrated to the point where "fucktards" become fucktards. It's funny how MK has all these bright, interesting characters that get overlooked because of some dude who has ice powers. Personally, i am a fan of Scorpion and Sub-Zero, but I really wish that those fucktards can actually experiment and see the true beauty of the diversity of the cast. I mean, where else can you get a Australian badass criminal with a mechanical eye, or a monk with a swordhat?

Although it's annoying having people worship Scorpion and Sub-Zero, I came to realize that it was because of the overall taste in a character. You wouldn't see many people nowadays saying that ninjas suck (unless they were hating on Naruto, which i love) and the fact that NRS came up with ninjas that could use powers beyond the norm was pretty cool if you ask me.

But other than that, people REALLY need to try other characters other than those two, i don't know how many times that "you killed my family i will have my REVENGE" story will be reiterated...

Oh Nooooo, not Fujin T_T

Wo this is awsome!! I've been away from NG for a while & when I come back you gave us an epic treat well done good sir. :D

its gonna be submitted at noon tomorrow right? RIGHT???? Tell me wheeeeeen! lol

I'll update with the release date when it's time. I'm not gonna be shocking anyone with a surprise release. I'm too melodramatic for that.


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