
Age 41, Male

Kentucky, USA

Joined on 2/17/08

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R1665's News

Posted by R1665 - August 2nd, 2013

R1665: “I should probably start off by saying that NINE MONTHS after Hurricane Sandy, CE-RAP is FINALLY getting back on his feet. We have reliable communication now and it's only a matter of time before we get rolling again. Evidently, there are still THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people still suffering the aftermath of that disaster and disaster relief is a "last in, first out" business model. If you don't live in New York and you think that everything should be rebuilt and fine by now, you'd be wrong.

CE-Rap: “For those nine months that followed the storm, I lived in a state sponsored shelter for Sandy victims, just trying to garner new funds so that I could leave it and find a new place to live. “

R1665: “Well, Rap finally has his own place, a decent computer, and the will to get moving as soon as he is able. That's the first thing that must be said. However, the reason for this particular news post is another subject .

In a move that confused some people who just happened to show up in that six-hour window, I made a news post in which I made what some might consider a startling revelation. It involved a professional separation from a then-unheard-from Rap. I deleted it because six hours after posting it, I got the "WOO HOO I'M FINALLY FREE!" message from him.

Nevertheless, I do feel now that I should just go ahead and drop the big news without further ado - The VG Exiles series is officially cancelled. Now, before you guys start building that guillotine, please allow me to explain why this was necessary and how this will ultimately turn out for the best.

When I first got into sprite animation and created the VG Exiles I had two goals:

1.) Get good at making sprite videos.
2.) Make a badass Stryker fight.

As of VGE3, I had officially accomplished everything I had set out to do. I never really had any long-term story planning other than "make fights with characters I like and then build a story around it to justify it". I don't plan that far ahead. I'm not that kind of guy.

The draw for the rest of the series would've been ‘characters you rarely see getting a chance to shine.’ That's all well and good, but it's very limited. It's just looking to the past and not the future. It's the future that interests us now.”

CE-Rap: “Now, to clarify, the VG Exiles was initially planned to be a reboot. The story we wanted to tell required us to create new canon. Things like the Acolyte betrayal and the ambush were going to be largely expanded upon because they would’ve been shown from the beginning, as opposed to having the characters talking about it as a past event. THAT led to a much larger plot, deeper character development, and so on."

R1665: “We rebooted the series (which some of you might remember me having mentioned in the past), and that reboot eventually led to ‘why don't we just make something new?’ We have the skill. We have the drive."

CE-Rap: “This direction was finalized last summer, and throughout the fall of 2012, all the preparations were falling into place… that is until Thunder cu-----*ahem* until Super Storm Sandy left me a fingernail away from homelessness. Communications were shot, my resources were lost, my tools were destroyed--EVERYTHING had to be put on hold. I shot a line to R1 every chance I got but we only talked 2-3 times in all that time. He tried to keep the dream alive for a time, even releasing a new FAILTALITY video under the moniker of our new group, RHINO REX STUDIOS---> where all of our new content will be released from. Since it’s release, communications fell apart again, and Riggie was losing hope that I’d ever be in a place to do the things we had planned---hence the awkward deleted post that some of you might not have even seen. In actuality, I moved out of that shelter about 3 weeks ago. The VERY DAY Riggie posted that he was ending everything—was the VERY DAY I contacted him, saying that I was finally free from the shelter."

R1665: “Awkward. Well, "Thomas Jane at the end of The Mist" moment aside, that post had to go. ”

CE-Rap: “I live in a pretty tiny and VERY modest apartment for the time being, with plans to move into a more adequate living space once enough time and money has been saved. That is slated to happen end of this year/early next year. In the meantime, Riggie gave me his old computer and bought a new monitor for it, allowing me the chance to get back in the game. And now that things are finally—FINALLY—settled down, I’m in a much better place to GET back in the game.

At long last, we have the resources to do the things we had been planning on for months. I’m a creature of evolution, and I’m all about challenging myself to be better in everything I do. I felt like if we were gonna go THIS hard, we need to go above and beyond what’s been done before. We need to use our own talents instead of rehashing the tools of others.”

R1665: “We now have the resources. Why not use those to take the craft to the next level? Anybody can take these existing characters and make them shine. Making NEW ones? THAT'S a challenge. THAT'S the next level. THAT'S what we want to do.”

CE-Rap: “And that’s what we’re GONNA do. Mind you, this isn’t some longwinded smug statement. This is US letting all of YOU know what’s been on both our minds for the past year and a half. You’d have known this sooner if the storm never happened.

VG Exiles--THE SERIES--is dead. An all new, all different, bigger, and better series has taken its place.More news on that front soon.”

R1665: “So, before you condemn me for letting go of a series you might have loved, stick around and see what we have in the pipeline now. We're betting that you'll be glad you did...”

CE-Rap: “Let me take a quick moment here to thank the handful of you that cared enough to leave messages for me here and on DA showing your support. The last few months have been one of the most grueling experiences of my life, and finally having the opportunity to move on from it is a welcome relief.”

-Rig and Rap

Posted by R1665 - May 9th, 2013

You know, that SENTINEL DESTRUCTION COLLAB was just so much fun that we HAVE to get the band together for an encore. This time, however, the game gets more... dangerous.

The RANDOM SELECT COLLAB is exactly what it sounds like. No more of this mamby-pamby "I'm gonna use the guy I think is awesome" stuff. No, sir. This time, the awesome animators will be using characters pulled from a hat. Like a business card from the fishbowl at Subway!

Who gets to decide these characters? YOU DO. Also us. But ALSO YOU!

Each animator gets to choose four characters to go in the drawing (we ARE doing the work, after all) and each fan gets one. Have a favorite character that you thought would NEVER be used in a sprite fight? Now is the time to suggest them!

Here are the rules for character selection:

1. 2D Fighting game characters only. No sonic. No Mario. Just fighting game characters.

2. No hi-res characters like Guilty Gear or Blazblue. Nothing against those characters specifically, it's just that the project can handle only so much size-wise. Gonna be a lot of data there and we gotta be frugal.

3. No MUGEN customs. If they never existed in a real game, they aren't allowed.

4. No version-specific picks. You can't pick "Pocket Fighter Chun-Li" or "Street Fighter Alpha Chun-Li". It's just "Chun-Li". The animator will choose which version they feel is most appropriate.

5. A character named multiple times will only be entered once. Winning fans will be credited if their pick wins. First named, first credited.

6. As per animator request, no shotoclones. They are all the same. If one is named anyway, one AND ONLY ONE predetermined shotoclone will be added to the drawing. Seriously, though. Those guys are tapped out. Why pick them?

Rules subject to revision later. I reserve the right to refuse any selection. I want to keep this as unrestricted as possible, but I know that some of you can get... rather trollish. That said, fire away!



For contributors, here are the build rules:
- 20 FPS
- 45-60 seconds in length per fight
- No text or story. This is all about the fight.
- Fights are 1 vs 1. No special guests.
- You don't have to show a "winner", but try to have some sort of climax.
- NO RAGEQUITTING! If you don't like the characters you get, tough shit. It's luck of the draw. Make your crappy characters awesome. Bring your "A" game. That's your job. There will be a lot of talent in this collab and you don't want to be the guy who chickened out...
- If you don't bring the pain, you might get cut. Just because you don't like your fighters is no reason to half-ass it.
- As a contributor, you get four character picks. Make them count. If you troll pick, you just might get stuck with your own guy. I would also recommend not picking a character you plan to use in the future. Not a rule. Just a suggestion.

[PLEASE NOTE] - There aren't a whole lot of slots for potential contributors. We have five filled by default and space is limited. That said, if you don't make it into the collab, it's nothing personal.

Let's get this party started.



Characters taken:

Q (SF3)
Mars People
Captain America
Iron Man
Midnight (Eternal Champions)
Sketch Turner (Comix Zone)
Iori Yagami
Kyo Kusanagi
Razor Ramon
Predetermined Shotoclone (sigh...)
Strider Hiryu
Terry Bogard
M. Bison
Shinnosuke Kagami
Ralf Jones
B. Orchid
Night of Wallachia
Heart Heat Harn
Grant (MOTW)
Scorpion (Martial Masters)
Moriya Minakata
Shaq (dafuq?)
TJ Combo
Jin Santome
Kim Kaphwan

Animator picks are secret. If you claim one of theirs, they will pick another.


Posted by R1665 - April 15th, 2013



DAILY FEATURE, baby! WOO-HOO!!! Many thanks to everyone who viewed, rated, and enjoyed the film!
(Also a big thank you to the NG staff member that insta-passed Vertical Seafood Taco during yesterday's cycle... no way I was gonna beat that...)


Hell, I'll take it.


Posted by R1665 - April 2nd, 2013

Yep. You read that right. I'm officially announcing the second installment of Mortal Kombat FAILtality!

I know that this hasn't exactly been the most fruitful period in the history of this page, but I can assure you all that I have not been without a project. I continue to be without regular contact with CE-Rap and I've met this dry spell in the only way I know how - by building "non-main" projects. That's what happened with the first FAILtality. Had there not been that eighteen-month delay in VGE3, that video would not have existed.

I started FAILtality back in late November / early December soon after contact with Rap was first cut off. Progress was briefly suspended in favor of SENTINEL DESTRUCTION, but I was back on the ball soon after. It has taken considerably longer to produce the sequel than the original, but it shows. FAILtality set the bar and FAILtality 2 will raise it. Trust me. You know you've made gold when you can just sit and watch a scene loop for twenty minutes while cackling like a madman...

I do not have a release date set, but I will be trying like hell to get this out in the wild before Injustice: Gods Among Us drops on April 16th. So.... very very soon.

As before, I would like to offer a scene preview as my way of saying "thank you" to those of you who continue to check out this page during these periods of drought. In defiance of my screenshot policy, this one isn't going on the front page. It's just for you guys.

You guys ever wonder what happened to Rain? Time to find out!


Mortal Kombat FAILtality 2

Posted by R1665 - February 16th, 2013

I might have been skunked for 2012, but 2013 is going to be the year of the Flash if I have anything to say about it. First up is SENTINEL DESTRUCTION. The final construction of this flash has been my focus for the past week and I am satisfied with the way it turned out. I'd never constructed a collab before so this was a real learning experience.

Release date: February 19th.

The news with CE-Rap is not good. First Hurricane Sandy in late October left him and several thousand others without power for weeks. Then a nor'easter came through right afterwards and froze/flooded everything, leaving us out of contact even longer. We had finally re-established email contact last week and were poised to finally get together over Skype and finally sort this shit out. Then Nemo hit and dumped three feet of snow on the entire east coast, cutting out power AGAIN.

So.... I am back to not having a clue what's going on. We'll update whenever we can.

Three months without contact may have halted our combined progress, but I haven't been without something to work on. You guys know about Sentinel Destruction now, but there just... might... be... another secret project coming out soon.

Stay tuned!


Sentinel Destruction

Posted by R1665 - January 23rd, 2013




Posted by R1665 - November 7th, 2012

I wish I had something more concrete to report, but it looks like we're going to be skunked for 2012. Rap and I had big plans that included the beginning of a new and quicker project, but I haven't heard from him since Sandy hit. As you guys may or may not be aware, Rap lives in NY and the situation up there is less than ideal. There is still much of the area still without basic utilities and there's supposedly another hurricane/tropical storm heading in that direction.

This communications blackout is nothing new to us considering that we went through the same thing when Irene hit last year. I don't worry for Rap's safety because he's one of the smartest people I've ever met and he knows how to take care of himself. He's been through stuff like this before. However, I have absolutely no idea of his current status. The best I can do is sit tight and await his contact while trudging along with other projects.

I'll add a note to this entry when comms have been re-established, but there probably won't be another posted update until we have something substantial ready for next year. Sit tight, boys and girls.


Posted by R1665 - August 19th, 2012

Well, had things gone according to plan, these "official" updates would be on the deviantArt group page. However, since that page (and the content that will be posted therein) is not yet ready to go live, such updates will need to remain here, I suppose.

Anyway, there are some big changes coming to the VG Exiles and I'm not sure how much I should elaborate here considering that the game plan is not yet finalized for the future of the series. I will say, however, that this has not been a wasted year. Not by a long shot. I know how it looks when months go by and there is little activity here. It looks like the project is stalled or slowed. "Maybe R1 and Rap are getting sidelined by life and finding it difficult to get to work..." "Maybe they're taking an Alvin-Earthworm-styled extended hiatus..."

Let me reassure you guys - shit is getting done and it is getting done damn near every night.

In fact, it is getting done to a degree that nothing like it has ever been done before. It is getting done such that I'm not entirely sure Flash can handle the sheer volume of content this project holds. I'll put it this way - the fight I have now is, at this unfinished point, far greater in content (and filesize) than any other completed fight I have ever done. There are visual and choreographic aspects that have never before been done in this medium and I would have thought them to be nigh-impossible a couple of years ago. One of my worries now is that we may be setting the bar so high that we won't be able to keep raising it in future installments. That sounds like bragging, but it's really not.


Anyway, as you all should be aware from my past updates, the series is getting a bit of a reboot and you should all be prepared for some dramatic changes to the established series canon. Some subtle, others massive. Some characters may be different from those who have already been shown. Some characters may be replaced entirely. Plot points change, FIGHTS change, history changes. Everything is getting upgraded. That is going to be ridiculously obvious when this current project drops, but we feel the need to make sure you guys know what is coming.

If this post sounds rambling and incoherent, it is because it is late and I still have a lot of work to do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and animate a fighter being slammed into the ground multiple times at high speed...


Posted by R1665 - June 15th, 2012

I was going to save this for the first of the month in order to get back on a steady update schedule, but there's no sense in letting a good rant go stale.

You know what really gets under my skin? These random Flash ads people put in their movies and games.

I can't stand these damn things. It seems now like every other crudely-built cookie-cutter flash being submitted to the portal exists solely to shove these unnecessary skidmarks of e-capitalism down our throats. Earlier today, I ran across one such (exceptionally) offending flash and gave it the zero bomb it deserved. I had seen another twenty advertisement-saturated flashes before it today, but this one drew my ire in that it displayed ads after every significant act. Loading the flash? Long advertisement. Win the level? Here's an advertisement. Lose? Here's another advertisement before you hit the retry button. Bear in mind that each level could be won or lost in less than ten seconds. One or two ads could slide, but thirty? SHEEEEEEEIT...

I really do wish that this shit would go away for normal users. Now, I can understand how Newgrounds would want or need ads on individual pages within itself. This site is expensive and it costs money to keep it running. I get that. What I don't get is why every dipshit who can draw a stick figure or code a dress-up game needs to churn out garbage to turn a few cents profit.

The idea of users having the option to include ads has some theoretical merit - an original content creator could be compensated for their diligence and creativity with a share of the profits earned from views. Makes sense on paper. The reality, however, is that the focus easily shifts from making exceptional works that can draw in some well-deserved money to making mass-produced garbage for no other purpose than to make those few cents before losing any and all relevancy. People still play Infectionator. Mario's Random ATV/defense/avoider/dressup/jigsaw/spot-the-diff erence game hasn't been clicked since it dropped off the portal. Both have advertisements, but only the former is worth the time spent viewing them.

I would really like someone to tell me exactly how much ad revenue is generated by your average shovelware horseshit game before it drops off the portal with its 500-600 total views. Is it really worth the loss of personal integrity that comes from forcing your audience to sit through a spiel about whole-grain cereals or this weeks new free online MMO game that nobody ever plays? I really do honestly want to know.


Now, I don't feel that all advertising is bad and I do distinguish between random flash ads and actual sponsorship. Every so often, I'll catch a YouTube advertisement for a movie trailer or something else that I actually think is interesting. Sometimes, I'll see that the official sponsor of something I like specializes in the kind of items I want to see or buy. For example, I might see a movie that was sponsored by Machinima or something, and then decide to visit because, hey, it might have more of what I was already looking for. They are directly sponsoring a production that I would find appealing because both the production and the products being offered by the sponsor appeal to the same demographic. It's targeted advertising and it's the only kind of advertising that works. Direct, relevant sponsorship can be honorable and bring about great things.

That said, who the FUCK is hanging out on this site and coming to the sudden realization that what they need to make their lives complete is a Swiffer Wet Jet? Are they suddenly going to rise from their computer chairs and go get the new $5.99 Philly Cheesesteak Melt from Arby's?

Anyway, rant complete. Discuss.


Posted by R1665 - May 10th, 2012

Pan-jump update

^----- NEWS. Go check it out and then keep in touch for the "official" release of the group page.

Also keep an eye on CE-Rap's Newgrounds Page.

Also go play with THIS just for the hell of it.

It's link day!
